

Born again as a movie star (Chapter 2)

Maria awoke from her unconscious state to the sound of a man's desperate voice calling out her name, urging her to wake up. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself in a sterile hospital room, lying in a bed with Nancy, her dear friend, anxiously hovering nearby. Concern etched across Nancy's face, she immediately reached out to Maria, asking if she was okay and if she needed anything.

Unable to muster more than a nod, Maria managed to convey that she was fine, eliciting a visible sigh of relief from Nancy. Tears welled up in Nancy's eyes as she confessed her worry, confessing that she had feared the worst, thinking Maria might not make it. Despite her weakened state, Maria mustered a small smile and gently reassured Nancy, urging her not to cry and reassuring her that she was indeed fine.

Curiosity tugging at her, Maria inquired about the mysterious man who had apparently saved her. Nancy's response, however, left her puzzled. Nancy explained that when she had discovered Maria lying by the water's edge, she had seen no one else around. It seemed that Maria's rescuer had vanished without a trace. Chalking it up to a hallucination, Maria decided to let the mystery fade from her mind, focusing instead on the present moment.

Just then, a familiar voice called out, interrupting their conversation. It was Rachel, Maria's sibling, bursting into the room with a mix of relief and worry etched on her face. Overwhelmed with emotions, Rachel exclaimed, "Oh, you're alive!" and expressed her fear of losing Maria. The sight of Rachel's concern brought a surge of joy to Maria's heart, realizing the depth of her sister's love and the significance of her presence.

As Rachel showered Maria with questions about her well-being, Maria couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness amidst the chaos. Her loved ones' worry and care provided her with the strength to overcome her ordeal. With a tender smile, Maria replied, "I'm okay, Rachel. Thanks to all of you." In that moment, the bond between the three grew stronger, a testament to the resilience of their love and the power of family.
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