

Losing Myself to the Dare: Death in the Balcony
"Here's a Poser, I Pose unto Thee.
What is the One Thing Never Full, always Hungry, yet Never Stops Consuming?"



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"Draw and Quarter him," the Marshall demanded. "The people see the Magician in him, and we want NO queries as to his Time of Demise."

As they bound his hands and feet to the Steeds, his trademark top hat 🎩 blew on the Wind. An eerie echo moaned from No Where, and the sounds of Hoof meeting the ground filled the Midday air.


And as quick as a Flash of Lightning, Busby's Body was torn asunder; legs and arms going in four different directions. The Blood sprayed and covered every place, including the Marshall's face. He pulled out a Handkerchief and wiped his brow.

"Now, let someone Dredge up his Vile Name, again!"




As the days went by, I had noticed more and more things Death had allowed to happen to me. Part of a Finger here missing playing Five Finger Fillet, a missing Toe from a Gator in the Swamps Fishing, the missing Tooth which inexplicably fell forth when I confessed my Soul to the Savior (one takes NO chances). But by far the most Odd was this.

I took to Shooting the Sun by Day, and Moon in the Night.

Why, you might ask?

Because of this.

Maggie, my Wife, always hated I had laid the Curse upon her Head. So she took to her little 'seasons' at every Meal.

At first, a little Spice ... it was Nice. But then, not so nice. Cyanide, Sulphurs, Cleaners, Spirits (although that not so much did I Mind). And often I found myself Purging.

I knew she has Poisoned my Victuals, but the Fear of Death had eluded me, so far.

Then, she opened herself to another Rancher, and I threatened to have her 'Done Up'. This caused her to Further run into his Arms and soon after she Claimed to be with Child.

So one Cold Night, as was my Routine, I did Shoot at the Moon. And the Bullet thence Graze the Windmill, Ricochet off the Metal, and a fragment caught me just above my Hip.

I had thought I were dead. But the Doctor had said something very fantastical even I initially did not believe.

The Bullet had penetrated my Liver, but there it remained. If anyone was to Pluck it for, I would surely Perish. So there the Bullet remains.

But the good thing is I began to worry for my Life's sake, giving up drinking.

I joined a Church, becoming a Deacon, until a freak Bolt lightning came down upon the steeple, completely demolishing the Entire Church. Then I joined a Crusade, but the horses were spooked and the members went over a cliff, with the horses.

None survived, save I alone.

Then I received a phone Call about my Estranged Wife.

Her Body had been Found lying in a Ravine. It has been gutted and Torn by the Beasts of the Field, but I could clearly see where a Dude Slit her Walls with a Blade in a Cross from Tip to Tip. Plus her Breasts had been Carved and removed and her face almost unrecognizable (as if hammered by a Mallet).

I Wept for Maggie on my Knees.

So Focused on what I'd seen that when a Rattlesnake Bite Me, I knew not till the Venom began to sit in.

I picked up what was left of her, and limped the rest of the way home.

I had barely got her back inside, when I collapsed to the Floor (from the Venom). My Skull hit the Wooden Boards with a CRACK, and I could feel the Life draining from my Body.

I could take no more Sober, so I Found a very old Bottle of Wine 🍷 and with Extreme Efforts popped the Cork 🍾. As the Venom continued to do Death's Bidding, I pulled myself up into my Chair 🪑

She stilled laid there, on the floor by the Entrance.

My Maggie.

My Eyes were growing Dim, and the Saliva from these Lips became my Second Language. I gurgled something before my Eyes completely closed, losing control of my bowels. Finally, the ringing too Stopped.

In my last moment of Remembrance, I remembered the Dare, sitting Foolishly into Busby's Chair 🪑

Better Days behind me, only Haze Ahead.

Keep the Pies 🥧 in the Oven warm Maggie,
Cuz Johnny is Marching Home 🏡


"So, he actually BOUGHT the Busby Chair, and Died sitting in it in his home," he asked surprised.

"That's the Story," the Officer replied, "for the umpteenth time!"

The Gentleman Listened as he Gazed intently at the Chair.

"Well he's Dead," he proclaimed. "So I Guess he won't mind if I take a load off."


But it was too late. And the Entire House caved in on itself, killing them both. And, the Stray Cat that Resided under the Porch Step.

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© I Am MichAel