

My identity is Lost in the River (part 2)
Everyone started laughing at this. Seeing him laughing, he said, I am telling the truth, trust me. Sam says that after counting there are only 40 trees and after that there is desert. Where can you come from? Ariana repeatedly tells them that she has come from the forest but no one believes her.

Sam's sister says ok, ok. Leave aside all other things, my name is Sana and this is my friend Richa. My brother's name is Sam. Ariana also tells them her name. While they were laughing, Sam's mother comes. Everyone becomes calm when he arrives. Sam's mother points to Ariana and asks about her.

Sana says softly, mother, she was drowning in the river, so brother saved her and brought her here. Her mother asks Ariana where have you come from? Ariana replies that she came from the forest. Sam's mother gets angry at this and tells Sam that he has taken too much rest. Leave it where it came from.

Everyone is shocked to see this behavior of Sam's mother and asks Ariana to leave. Ariana leaves from there and comes near the river. She said to the river, I know this is all your conspiracy. I will not give up and will go back from here.

Ariana sits with the support of those trees. At night she hears someone walking and gets scared and starts looking around but there is no one there. When she turns back, Sam suddenly appears in front of her and she starts screaming out of fear. Sam silences her and says shut up, I have brought food, look, Sana is also coming.

Sam shows him a house in which no one lives. Sam arranged for his stay and asked him to meet him near the river in the morning. By morning everyone comes near the river. Sana and Richa give him some of their clothes and say don't worry, we are with you. While talking about where Ariana came from, she has come but no one was agreeing. Sam got irritated at this and said that this cannot happen because there are only 4 countries here.

4. In which we live kindness and love 3. Honesty and Redundancy 2. Richness and poverty 1. Evil and very evil Where have you come from? Ariana points towards the trees. Richa says just let it be now, when she says then just accept it. Nothing will go wrong by doing this. Richa Ariana tells that you should always be alert, sometimes bad people also come and live among us so that they can know our secrets and once in a hundred years it happens that great evil captures all
our countries.

When their days are over, they themselves leave from here. Ariana asks him that no savior comes to save him. Then she says, I don't know, I have only heard that evil goes away on its own after completing its days. It's been 3 months since Ariana spent such days in that world. Preparations are going on in the village of kindness and love to worship the God of goodness and in whose joy a fair will also be held in the village.

The day of the fair has also arrived. Everyone is wearing new clothes and jewellery. Everyone looks very beautiful as if people have come here from heaven. Ariana looks the most beautiful in the entire village, her beauty is leaving even the fairies behind.

Everyone is present near the place of worship. The puja has started. When the puja started, clouds started thundering loudly and lightning started flashing. All the villagers got scared. Then a voice echoes from the sky. If this evil establishes its rule then its rule will not end for centuries. You will have to bow before evil all your life. There is only one solution for this, find someone who has never received the love of his parents. Search, search, search.

Having said this, the voice calms down and it starts raining heavily. Everyone starts running here and there. Ariana also tries to run away but she is unable to even move her steps. She started getting wet in the rain. As soon as it gets wet, it returns to its original form and regains its previous ugly shape.

Ariana stood looking at her hands. She didn't know whether to smile or be sad at this. His real face is revealed in front of everyone. Everyone considers him to be the embodiment of evil and starts chasing him away. Everyone becomes afraid of him and asks him to go here. Saddened by this, Ariana becomes sad and runs into the house and starts crying. She remembers everyone talking about how everyone called her a beautiful princess. Everyone wanted to be like him.

Most of all he was saddened by the fact that his own friends distanced themselves from him. She leaves the house given by Sam and goes towards the forest. She sits there hiding, not wanting anyone to meet or talk to her. Even at night, she is sitting there when she hears the sound of someone's feet.

She was Sam's mother. She calls Ariana closer and says, "You are being punished for a mistake you never committed. Take your food, I have brought food for you. Now your true face has been revealed, so there is a way out from here." You will get it too. If you stay here, worse things will happen to you. But you are wise." Saying this she leaves.

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