

Perpetual string
Did you ever come across someone
who you never thought will become an important part of your life?

I did.
Sometimes, I contemplate what would have happened if this being never came into my life.

a stranger becomes an integral part of one’s life than the close ones.

I met a stranger once. Just like we all do.
As it has been the trend,
It started with a ‘Hi’. And the rest is an unexpected journey of life.

This being was different.
The stranger was calm, quiet and somehow knew how to start a conversation with me (may be with any other girls).
The first conversation was such that I felt I knew this person for a very long time. And one way or the other, I was in search of a being like him.
Yes, he is a man. A man who turned out to be a significant individual in my life.
Some days went without even realising that that person exists in my life. But on the other hand, there were some nights where he was the soul companion for me to shed my affliction. And some nights he would want me to hold him so that he doesn't fall back.

I have read about undefined relations but I have never felt one until the day he came to my life.

In such a short span of time, I learned a lot of things which I could relate to my life. Things which I would have never realised until he made me witness it. I have started to see things the way he looks into life, that life is beautiful and is full of surprises.

And one fine day, he surprised me with something beyond my expectations.

He kept his world in front of me and asked me to be a part of it.
Yes, he admitted that he loves me.
Did I believe him? Did I for once think of pushing him away?

I Did.

But for once in my life, I decided to give love another chance. We should never stop believing, should we?
At least I didn't stop.
Giving love another chance in my life was the hardest choice to make. But this person made that easy for me.
He supported and trusted me in every path of my life.

People say we cannot find both best friends and a lover in one person, but I never anticipated that I would be the luckiest one to have both at the same time.

I am so glad that someone could make that positive impact in my life . He is the reason that I see life differently now and have added reasons for my existence.
Our story is a beautiful one, I LOVE US.
I promised myself to be with him in every possible way I can and in every possible way there is. I wouldn't give up under any circumstances.
We will hold on; keep the bond going strong no matter what.

PS: Strange isn't it? How a stranger became the sole reason for someone's existence.

#strangersdiary #lovelylife #Happiness #unexpectedlove