

Will o Wisp
So we met, at long benches near the hearth. He asked if there was any gin left.
"The night is cold and I canna get warm for I have chased death to this door." the man leaned in.
I realized then, he was a young man. Foolishly I assumed, as his countenance spoke of doddery, he was my elder. But no, this was not such an old man, yet his pallor and brow showed attrition.
"I was a fool and I thought I could catch her," he said. "The will o wisp, it was in me grasp."
A child's story, everyone knows that you never follow the small light towards your death.
"But she promised me," he cried. "She promised to love me for all eternity."
At morning's dawn, she made good and did as she promised she would. As the sunlight broke through windows, the man laid in his bed, staring. Staring in search of his lover's light, for it didn't rest in his own eyes anymore.
Do not chase the will o wisp, her love for you is false. Do not chase the unrequited love, it will only destroy your peace. Bury you in troubled sleep and make eternity your sorrow.