

It's About Us (Episode Three)
What does she mean by saying "It might effect our relationship." Does she wants to break up?
I don't know if I'm overthinking her words or not. But to be honest it's not surprising at all if she really mean that. As I said before we are barely holding this relationship. We are just lovers in name. Actually it is surprising that she stayed with me for this long. No girl would want to stay with me, I'm not even able to spent a minimum amount of time with her. We are more like strangers with some special memories. All this time I'm telling myself that all of this is for her, I'm working so hard so that she could relay on me, I'm working overtime, taking extra shifts everything, everything is for her.
But all of this are just excuses, just lame excuses so that I could stay by her side, that when I ask her parents for her hand they won't have any reason to refuse me, when I will build a family with her she won't regret being with me. Neither her parents nor she ever told me to do this. They happily excepted me the way I'm. But I can't let go of her. I'm selfishly holding onto her. Because once I lost her I will lost a large part of myself. I will be nothing without her. I can't le--. Suddenly she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Hey! Ahaan." And I came back to reality.
Then she grabbed my face with both of her hand "Ahaan, What are you so nervous about? I'm not asking you to marry me."
Well, it would've been better if she asked that. Although I don't know if I'm ready to marry her yet.
"What is it?Nil,(her name is Nihil, Nil is her nickname given by me.) What do you want say, tell me."
Her gleaming eyes are looking directly at me as she said "well, I got accepted by The Royal College of Arts."
I tilt my head toward her In a questioning gesture and said "what? The Royal College of Arts,__ in london?"
I'm so shocked that I'm at a loss of words. So I just pulled her in my chest and hugged her tightly. I want her to hear it directly from my heart that how happy I'm for her.
Her face is buried in my chest so she just answered in agree "Mhmm."(yes)
We held each other like that for a moment but then a sudden realization hit me.
While still holding her I asked "nil, that means you have to be away for four years, right?"
A long distance relationship, is that why she said "it might effect our relationship."?

......Stay Tuned for next Episode.
© Night owl