

Corona and You, The Battle World is Fighting!
Life has always been a Battle!
And Shall Remain as a Battle Untill You are on this Planet.

Sometimes, You Fight with Emotions.
Sometimes, You Fight with Hatred.
Sometimes, You Fight with Situations.
And Sometimes You Even Fight with Yourself!!

Yes, The Fight with Yourself is the Only Phase You Fight with a Disease or a Health Disorders.

As We can See, What's the World is Now Fighting!! They are Fighting with themself to Defeat a Disease. Offcourse You Getting me Right!

I am talking about the Battle Against Corona ( Covid 19 Virus )

So, Let me Give you some kind of My tips which may not win you, but Will Surely Make you Strong in this Battle.

Talking about the Tips, as a Doctor and A Volunteer of this Battle, I have something I found which could make you Strong during this Battle. So let's take a look on this and Try to Follow this Tips to be a Strong Worrier in this Battle against Covid19.

1. Immunity

* Our Immune System Plays an Important role in a fight against any sort of Disease or Health Disorder.

Hence, boosting your Immunity is the Key against a Victory over any Health Disorder or a Disease.

So, Let me Tell you, How You can Boost Your Immunity being at Home.

* Take a Proper Sleep, I know this could be hard during a time where the most of the world is in a Lockdown. But Keeping Yourself with a Sufficient Sleep is always important. Hence Add this to your Priority During this Battle against Covid 19.

* Next One is, Start Consuming Warm water with a Little pinch of Salt and a Teaspoon of lemon juice added to it.

* Start Eating a Garlic twice a Day.

* And the Last one is, Indulge Yourself in a Tea Time. Yes, You have got me Right, Start Taking a Multiple Cups of tea to Boost Your Immunity during this Covid19 Battle.

2. Workout

This is the Second most Weapon, Which Shall Protect you from the Covid 19 and Shall make You a Strong Worrier in this Battle.

Workout Doesn't mean a Heavy Weight Lifting or Just a Bodybuilding Process. Workout also means a Peaceful Meditation, a Laughing Session, and Simple Jumping.

Start a Meditation for 20 min in the Morning and Evening making Your Mind Relax of Thoughts, Worries and a Fear. Just Sit Alone, and Try to Feel your Breath When you take it in or Release it Out.

Next to Do is, a Laughing Session.
As the Most part of the World is Under Lockdown, You are getting a Time with your Family members around, Start Playing Funny Tricks or Adopt kind of Funny Jokes to Laugh and Make Others Laugh Around.

Another One is Jumping. Here all you have to Do is, Just a Few minutes off and Start Jumping like a kid, Just a Causal Jumps will be much Enough, No need of a High Jump as You are not taking any Sort of Part in a Sports Tournament !! It's Just to Give your Body a Little work.

So That's all You have to Do, to become a Strong Worrier in the Battle Against Corona ( Covid19 ) Virus.

Apart From this , Staying at Home, Keeping a Safe Distance and Washing of Your Hands with Keep you Protected a Shield.

So this is What I All have for You.

Covid19 is a Enemy, Corona is a Battle,
Staying at Home, Keeping Yourself Hygiene with Regular Hand wash is Your Shield, and Immunity and Workout are Your Weapon!

Thank You, For Reading My Content, Hope This Will Help you in a Battle of Corona against Covid 19 Virus.

Stay Home, Stay Safe !!

Dr. Niraj Kumar Chavan,
Consultant Physician & Cardiologist
MyCure Superspeciality Hospital.