

Beginning of new chapter(part 3)
Siya and her friends, including Maya, went shopping together. Meanwhile, Ram and his friends also went shopping
As Siya and her friends shopped, they laughed and chatted, enjoying each other's company. Meanwhile, Ram and his friends were at the same mall, finalizing their preparations for the London trip.

As fate would have it, Siya and Ram bumped into each other at the mall. They exchanged pleasantries, and Ram introduced his friends to Siya. Maya, being the social butterfly she was, quickly connected with Ram's friends, and they all started chatting.

As they shopped together, Siya and Ram grew closer, bonding over their shared experiences as students. Maya and the others noticed the chemistry between them and playfully teased them.

After shopping, Siya and her friends said their goodbyes, promising to meet up again soon. Ram and his friends also bid farewell, heading off to finalize their London preparations.

The next day, Siya and Maya attended school together, eager to share stories of their shopping adventure.They arrived at school on time and attended the assembly, where the teachers announced a quiz competition for the next week.

The teachers explained that each class would select two representatives to participate in the competition. Since Ram was the top student in class 9, he was automatically chosen as one of the representatives. However, there was a dispute over who should be the second representative.

To resolve this, the class teacher decided to hold a class test, which would determine the second representative. Everyone was shocked to hear this, as it meant they had to compete against Ram, who was known for his intelligence.

Ram asked Siya about his notes from the previous day, and Siya complimented him on how well-organized they were. Ram offered to help Siya if she needed it, and they started studying together.

However, some students were not happy about Ram's automatic selection and tried to come up with a plan to defeat him in the class test.

After lunch, the students went to the ground for game practice, where they were told about a football match between St Mary's and St Xavier's. The students were excited to watch the match,

As the star player of St Mary's, Ram was surrounded by his classmates, who wished him good luck for the upcoming football match against St Xavier's. After the initial excitement died down, Ram and his three closest friends, Raj, Rahul, and John, decided to meet with their football coach to discuss their strategy.

The four of them sat down with Coach Abir in his office, surrounded by football trophies and motivational quotes. Coach looked at them seriously and said, "Boys, we need to come up with a solid plan to beat St Xavier's. They're a tough team, but I know we can do it."

Ram spoke up, "Coach, I think we should focus on our defense. St Xavier's has a strong offense, but if we can hold them off, we can counterattack and score."

Raj nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and we need to work on our passing game. We can't let St Xavier's intercept our passes and gain possession."

Rahul suggested, "We should also try to exploit their weaknesses. Do we know anything about their team's weaknesses, Coach?"

Coach smiled, "Actually, I've been scouting them out, and I think I've found a few weaknesses we can exploit. Let's work on a game plan, boys."

John, who had been quiet until now, spoke up, "Coach, can we also work on some new moves? We don't want to be predictable."

Coach nodded, "Absolutely, John. Let's get creative and come up with some new plays. Alright, boys, let's get to work!"

With a clear plan in mind, Ram and his friends left the coach's office, determined to lead their team to victory against St Xavier's.
© anaya raj singh