

How it all Began
The rumor of Nancy has started again since we entered Hazardville ,the frightened looks and whispers in the ears of us moving into the House of the Coopers where it all began and ended .The rumor was about a girl named Nancy in the 1960s who brutally and intentionally murdered her own family in their sleep because of jealousy of her younger sibling Jake , she enjoyed the smell of raw, fresh blood and the sound of someone taking their last breath. Nancy felt this dark feeling of wanting more and so she murdered half of the town , burying their bodies in the walls of her house and after those kills she hang herself in her parents' room so that she could remember the way she made them suffer. As we reached in the house a strange feeling filled my skin with goosebumps. My mom and dad was excited to start a new adventure while my older brother, Kyle and I was terrified. We moved in our rooms and get settled in but something didnt feel right about the house , it felt like we were in the wrong place at the wrong time

When night falls, we sat outside with our cozy blankets saying what we are grateful for and then just look at the stars . As the night grew old , we all went to our rooms and fell asleep. Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the basement i flew off the bed trembling as if i saw a ghost, my heart was pounding out of my chest .As i went closer to my room door i looked down on the knob of the door and it was turning , i immediately moved my dresser that weighs more than me to the door and i moved back a little . I heard whispers and screams as if they were in my head , it was like i was going crazy and the door blew off and i flew into the walls , as i slowly moved away from the walls skeleton bones fell out looking me in the eyes . I screamed as loud as i could but no one came so i went through the window looking for my brother and my parents but it was too late their bodies was lying in the living room snapped in half with blood everywhere my heart felt it was just ripped of my chest and stomped on .The sounds of the screams grew louder as i ran faster ,the feeling of sadness and fear took over my body at the same time. When i looked around it was Nancy with her long nails and her face bloody as the day she died .I hid behind the town's water tower out of breath and all i heard was the footsteps of the walking dead drifting away. When i turned around that was it , i felt the pain of a knife pulging in my chest over and over again and the taste of my blood in my mouth . My life ended in the worse possible way ,killed by Nancy