

DC & The Princess
There once was a prince named DC. He was searching for his princess but got distracted in someway. DC loved to play spin the bottle with his acquaintances. He would spin the bottle then who ever it landed on he would have to take out on a date. If it landed on a boy he had to fork out two plates of gold. He played this game every day til he lost all his plates of gold and took the last girl out on a date which was the princesses sister. This one stuck to him but the one he really wanted was dating his brother which was the princess. DC was outraged. So he made a deal with his acquainted neighbor to get some "red and white stripped yummies". And the guy told him not to eat all of them or he would die. DC went to his castle and proceeded to eat the red and white stripped yummies". ALL OF IT accept one bite. As soon as the yummies went to his blood stream he fainted immediately. 20 mins later his father XG found DC on his bed eyes closed, pale, cold and sweaty with little to no heartbeat. XG rushed him to the nurses room. The nurse told XG that he may have took some unknown source of gummy like material and that he is unconscious. XG asked the nurse what he could do to keep him alive. The nurse provided well known details on what to do to keep him well and stable to keep chugging along.  XG had to force feed and water, bath and change him everyday. For 2 weeks passed and he was still fighting for his life. 3 weeks passed and he could finally open his eyes but still needed help to move in different places.  4 weeks passed and he passed away due to the "Red and white stripped yummies." But right before he passed away he said "RED AND WHITE STRIPPED YUMMIES ARE THE BELLIEST YUMMIES!". XG outraged, broken hearted and upset. He started to bawl and whippered out throughout the whole kingdom "WHO IN THE HELL WOULD GIVE MY SON RED AND WHITE STRIPPED GUMMIES!!!!???" He broke the news to his favorite idolized adopted child (not really adopted) the princess. The princess started an outburst of sobbing cries worse than his own mother. She cried for 2 straight weeks, lost 4 pants sizes from not eating for 2 weeks and was then dozed up with medication to stop the pain and suffering. The princess had no idea she felt such ways for the prince. She carried a deep burrowed broken heart for four years before she finally let him go inside her heart to give her a sense of relief and end to her guilt and sorrow for not agreeing to be with him and choosing his brother over him.

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