

life story
One can't run away from his responsibilities though it's family or work both are significant in life. The one shares love, respect and other gives you earning to survive in the world. There are so many ways to open yourself but you should know the best for you and rest will be the fortune. Everything is not in our hand and all the things will not happen the way you want those are contingent but the one which is in you that is were you have all scope manage it intelligently as far as you can do it for yourself. In the rush and responsibilities we forget many things and unlikely seperate from right path but deligently we fight to bring life to the normal. Every one has different experiences and all due need respect.

Never forget the way you are saluting others today, tomorrow the same will be with you. Life is about give and take. Be humble and good enough atleast for yourself so that you, yourself can see in your eyes proudly and empower you to space from world. Remember, we all in one sea just the crafts are different..where it's muggy or severe we have all to go through in and later we come to know whether we have potential to manage or craft sink in the water. Life is yours, nature gives you fair chances to change but again how you take it, is purely depend on individual. At the last day of life you and only you will be responsible for all the things..
love yourself care for yourself

Nachiket Lonkar