

Cappuccino and Closure
"I think we should break up," said Neil, sipping his cappuccino in the cafeteria.

"I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together, and I appreciate everything you've brought into my life," he continued, placing his cup on the table.

"Lately, I've been feeling that our relationship isn't fulfilling me in the way it used to. I’ve noticed that I’m often bored, and it’s not fair to either of us."

"It's not fair for you, but to me," I replied, walking away from the cafe.

Why am I not enough? What did I do wrong? Is there someone else?

These thoughts haunted me as I left the cafe, tears rolling down my cheeks. Later, I traveled on the bus.

We had so many plans together. What will happen to our dreams of a future?

I gazed out the window, looking down the street where we had often walked together, hand in hand.

When I got home, I went straight to bed without even removing my shoes. I lay on my chest, crying silently, my tears staining the pillowcase.

Am I unlovable? Will I ever find someone who loves me?

These thoughts tormented me for hours until I was too exhausted from crying and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, checked my mobile, and cried as I looked at his photo. I skipped breakfast and went straight to take my scooter. When I reached the scooter, I realized I had forgotten the key. I went back inside to get it. Before, he would have come to pick me up, but now everything had changed.

How will I cope with being alone? Who will I talk to about my day?

I was lost in thought while driving and nearly collided with a truck but managed to avoid it.

At the office, my boss shouted at me for being late. Later, I started working, but my mind was elsewhere.

I trusted him with my heart. How could he do this to me after everything? I thought, throwing the documents on my desk.

That evening, I headed to a nearby cafe because I hadn't eaten since the previous evening.

"As usual, ma'am? Two cappuccinos?" asked the waiter.

But I walked away, weeping silently.

"Ma'am, your order!" shouted the waiter.

I feel discarded. Did my feelings never matter to him? I thought, tears streaming down my face.

Hours turned into a day, but I kept thinking about him. How will I adjust to life without him? Will I ever get used to not having him around?

Days turned into weeks, but my thoughts remained fixed on him. Will he find someone better than me? What if his next relationship is everything ours wasn't?

Weeks turned into months. I'll miss the little things we did together. I wish I had done things differently.

Months were about to turn into a year, but now I was beginning to heal. I returned to the same cafeteria where we used to have chats and cappuccinos together.

"It has been so many months since you came. What would you like to have, ma'am?" asked the waiter.

"Latte," I said with an appealing smile.

"Trying something new?" he asked with amusement, and I nodded, feeling a sense of inner peace.

© Aboorva