

A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the Bush. She couldn't realise that she watches the death of her parents. She cried her eyes out. She wishes she didn't hide. She wish in the storm. This killers should have killed her too. She cried there not wanting to leave cause she doesn't have somewhere to live.
Crystal now woked up and saw her husband and his daughter sleeping. She got picked up by the Queen who gave her the name crystal. She is married and has a daughter and now she is a princess. Though she misses her parents so much she kinda like the live they left for her

Moral lesson:life has the ups and downs. No matter how life kick you in the ass. Just know you can kick your own double. Crystal lost hope well she was lucky. But many lose hope and also lose their life I've seen a lot of articles on Writco that people want to end this life. You're just making your enemies to be happy with them selves. You're just making them to continue. But as a quote I saw one day says:keep smiling cause it will scare those enemies and it has worked for me and crystal. It can work for you ~Godsmercy
@sam31.2005 I wrote this story for you. I couldn't give you privately so I shared it to everyone. Please don't lose hope