

How to be emotionally strong?
Well, when you read the title the first thing that might had struck your mind would be that the article might be about ability to overcome breakups and heart breaks that is really common these days. Well emotional strength is not extremely based on these 2 things but also self love, self care and even love with nature. Now it might sound absurd but let's define it.

Emotional strength means actually your ability to overcome different situations that might affect your personal as well ass professional life. These days it is mostly connected with break ups but there can be sometimes some other reasons. Defining heart breaks and breakups isn't concern but how to overcome them is big one. So it all starts with self love. How to love yourself is also a problem when you think you have flaws. The easiest way to do this is have little contact with people who talk bad about you, every single time you open the phone or look at mirror say these lines
"You are the smartest guy mate" and with exterme attitude every single day do this and find results.

Second is self care, think of this in this way, you are a guy or a girl who usually goes out for work or school or college or meets friends on regular basis, you gotta be taking care of your skin or your clothes, hair and all that but what if you aren't interested in this then remember first rule self love that you are smartest guy and smartest guy needs best care. If you can't take care of yourself, you are gonna be broke for life time, so what do you want money or misery. It's all mindset.

Love with nature is extremely important, it doesn't mean you just praise rivers waterfalls, forests and beaches but to appreciate everything. We can say it is more of social love. That you think every thing is good,everyone is good,every place is beautiful then you would rejoice. The best way to do this is to keep remaining calm and see on brighter side. It is most difficult but most important. All depends on how you let your mindset help or consume you.

Now you have learned to love nature, care for yourself and love yourself. Heart breaks won't matter because you would love your own company when you would make it habit to praise yourself and care for yourself along with appreciating nature for what it has given. You know it would be difficult first month when you would try. You would get out of your house and get in quarrel or you would get robbed or any mishap would happen but that only means you are growing because growth faces obstacles not statics.