

The Bolt Saves The World
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen. "We have an officer on the scene now!" she said. "As everyone can see, the asteroid is going to hit very soon" the officer shouted! Zoom! "what was that?" the officer questioned. "Its Bolt!" the newsreader yelled! Zoom! Swoosh! "how do I stop it?" Bolt then said, talking into a mic. "if you run fast enough, you might be able to stop it" bolts friend exclaimed. "so if I run in a circle?" bolt asked. "a very big one." his friend said into the mic. Bolt then ran in a huge circle around the entire city. running around it 20 times per second! "it looks like bolt is trying to stop the asteroid!" the newsreader shouted. "ok, let's do this!" yelled bolt, as he ran up a building. as civilians pointed and shouted, bolt then got to the top of the building, and with all of his strength, he jumped as high as he could and punched the blazing asteroid! the giant asteroid then shattered into thousands of pieces! with bolt falling, unconscious. the blue electricity covering his body, then vanished. "the bolt has saved us all! but he seems to be falling thousounds of feet!" the newsreader shouted. then, in the blink of an eye, some sort of figure with purple lighting, then ran up a building, and grabbing bolt before he hit the ground. Swoosh! the figure then carried bolt miles away, then dropped him in the woods, and left. "W. What happened?" bolt asked himself. "I better get back to the city." bolt said, running off at the speed of sound. (To be continued)