

Secco/Cioccolata intense NSFW
⚠️Warning for kife/medical play, violence, restraints, sadism, and gore.⚠️

The room was dark, but not unpleasant. Secco found himself lying on a hospital bed, arms and legs strapped down, and covered in a single sheet. He wiggled a bit and found that, no…his arms and legs weren’t strapped down..they were chained down. The chains were thick and heavy, and they felt cold against his stand, Oasis. He struggled against the chains with all his might. They wouldn’t budge. He let out a shuddering moan at this and continued to struggle, loving the feeling of helplessness and the sound of the chains clanking and rattling against each other.

“Having fun, aren't we? Se-cco~” Cioccolata’s seductive whispers tickled Secco’s eardrum. Suddenly, the lights clicked on, filling the room with an eerily dim yellow light. Secco growled in response.

“So bright! Cioccolata! My eyes hurt!” He angrily whined. He received a shush as an answer. Letting his eyes adjust to the light, Secco surveyed his surroundings properly now. Cioccolata was standing over him, lust apparent is his gaze, despite half of his face being hidden by a medical mask. Beside him, was a sort of cart holding a tray of assorted tools. Scalpels, needles, and such, but what was unusual, was the knife and staple gun. Those were most certainly not medical tools…Secco moaned again.

“Oh, you’re so excited already, hmmm?~” Ciocolata teased, palming Secco through Oasis and slapping his face. Secco panted loudly, sticking his tongue out to show his appreciation for the touch, but soon enough, he needed more. Secco whimpered.

“Touch more! More! More! More!~” he wiggled under the chains as much as he could, bucking his hips and removing Oasis from his lower body.

“Ah! Ah!~ Be patient, my Secco~ Hmmmm~ but if you really can’t wait, you need to beg for your Doctor~” Cioccolata’s voice alone was dominating as he spoke, caressing Seccos chest and teasing his covered nipples.

“Please! Please, Cioccolata!~ I’ll be a good boy for you~”

“Hmm…Maybe if you call me ‘Doctor’,” Cioccolata moaned softly, “Don’t forget to tell me exactly what you want~”

“Haaaahhh!~ D-Doctor, please make me cum! I really need to get off!~” Secco whimpered, breathing heavily. Cioccolata licked his lips at the grimace of desperation on Seccos face.

“Keep squirming around like that and I might be the first one to cum~” Cioccolata took Seccos hard-on into both hands and began to pump. Seccos abnormally long tongue hung out of his mouth as he continued to pant like a dog. His face was hot and flushed, sweating already as the moment took over his mind. He grunted and growled as Cioccolata pumped him faster, licking at his deep pink head. Not much later and Secco was bucking his hips wildly and nearly screaming out in pleasure. Cioccolata stopped and pulled away as soon as he licked at the pre-cum sitting atop Seccos tip. Secco let out a long, frustrated groan, the heat in his groin aching for more stimulation.

“Doctor~ I’m being a good boy! Play with me!~” He moaned.

“Don’t worry, my lovely patient~ I have plenty of fun tools for us to play with~” Cioccolata’s breath was heavy too. He was getting off at the sight of this alone. Eager to continue, Cioccolata selected something from the table. A scalpel. Excited fear made Seccos heart race. The blade was placed over seccos thigh, pushing just lightly enough against the skin not to cut. Cioccolata ensured that the restraints on Secco were tight, “Try not to move so much while I do this…”

“Yes, master…” Secco gulped.

“Good, good, good, boy~ Such a good boy, Secco~” Ciocolata slid the blade, cutting into the flesh, “You know just how to turn me on…” Cioccolata drew out the last word of his sentence into a pleasured moan as the blood began to seep from the roughly made incision. Secco whimpered and cried a little, but it was clear by the twitching of his cock that he was enjoying this too. Making more cuts, Cioccolata slowly began to spell out a word, making sure that Secco was in as much pain as possible. He loved watching his expressions contort as the sensations conflicted and intensified.

“Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh~ It hurts so good, Doctor!~” Secco cried as he felt a gentle tongue licking up the blood. One letter was done. Secco could feel it. ‘M.’ For the next letter, Cioccolata pinched and rubbed Secco’s nippes as he cut it into his thigh. Secco gargled his own saliva through moans before spitting it onto his own cock.

“Excellent aim, as always. So smart, Secco~ but I’m not going to touch that again until the third letter. Have patience, dear~” Cioccolata roughly kissed over each of Secco’s nipples, continuing to cut. Soon enough, Cioccolatas tongue returned to the thigh to lick away the blood, “your blood is so delicious,” the second letter was, ‘I.’ Secco moaned, knowing now what the word was going to be. ‘MINE’ he giggled through the pain. It was time for the next letter. As Cioccolata sliced ‘N’ into Seccos thigh, he wrapped his lips around his manhood, using one hand to hold the scalpel while the other pinched and pulled on his nipples.

“Cioccolata!~ Yeeeeeessss!~” Secco was so close now, but he held back, wanting the feeling to last as long as possible. The burning of the cuts, Cioccolatas mouth bobbing up and down on him and his fingers pinching and rubbing his nipples roughly. With all of this, holding back was definitely not an easy task. Secco whimpered, “Wait! I don’t wanna cum yet! I wanna try more tools, doctor~!”

“As you wish, my beautiful pet,” Cioccolata pulled away and set down the bloodied scalpel before reaching to grab a simple needle, “Now, what should I do with this, hmmmm?~” he traced Seccos' nipple with the tip of the needle, “Tell me, my patient…What do you need from your doctor?”

“Hurt me! Hurt me, doctor! Please, more! More pain!~” Secco’s whiney begging was interrupted by a sharp piercing feeling in one of his nipples. Cioccolata had pushed the needle fully through it. Secco let out a yelping moan and let himself begin to cry. Cioccolata bit his lip and leaned down to kiss away his pet's tears, stroking himself at the sight of his pained expressions. Cioccolata moaned and gently humped the side of the table as he removed the needle to push it through Secco’s other nipple, making him yelp once more. Drool began pooling under Secco as his hanging tongue dripped spit down from his chin to his neck. The needle was roughly pulled out.

“Your cute little nipples must be burning with tender pain right now~ Oh, Secco…Just the thought of how much it must hurt for you…I’m getting close…” Cioccolata moaned and forced himself to stop grinding against the table. He had something much more dangerous planned next. Something much more painful. Very much more…

“Is my pain making you feel good, doctor?” Secco panted, his cock still twitching excitedly. He felt a large cold blade touch his neck and paused.

“Secco…I want to hurt you so much more…” Cioccolata’s voice was broken with arousal, “Please, Secco…I know where all of your vital organs are…I know exactly how to stab you without hitting any of them…” Cioccolata licked along Secco’s chest, caressing it with his cheek and free hand before moaning his request, “May I please, Secco?~ I want this so bad~” he brushed the blade along his skin.

“Yes…I’ll scream for you just the way you like~” he shuddered, preparing for the pain. Cioccolata grinned and plunged the knife inside of him. Secco’s agonized screams flooded the room. The pain was nearly unbearable as it traveled through his body in sharp pulsing waves. Gritting his teeth, he calmed his screams down to rough grunts. Cioccolata was in bliss. His cock throbbing for stimulation. He grabbed it and began to stroke himself as he fucked Secco’s wound with the knife. Secco howled mixtures of pleasure and pain, soon to be joined by Cioccolatas loud moans. The two were nearing orgasm now.

Quickly, Cioccolata slipped the knife from Secco and used the staple gun to close the wound. The pain of having staples shot into the flesh around his already agonized wound sent Secco over the edge and he came all over himself. Cioccolata followed soon after, deeply aroused by Secco’s ability to cum despite the intensity of the pain. He gave his balls a quick squeeze before letting himself lie down on a nearby stretcher to cool off.

“Fuck, Secco…good…good, good boy. You’re such a good boy…”