Let's do something for the next generation
Book entitled
The vision, the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio
Title:Let us do something for the next generation
Brethren,i was searching for a good and holy way to thank the living God Yahweh the Maker of all things visible and invisible for He does greatest things to all those whom He loves.
Yesterday,the Lord Almighty performed great things which no one can perform.
We have the imitator on this age,he bribe people making them falling into darkness,but he will never be...
The vision, the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio
Title:Let us do something for the next generation
Brethren,i was searching for a good and holy way to thank the living God Yahweh the Maker of all things visible and invisible for He does greatest things to all those whom He loves.
Yesterday,the Lord Almighty performed great things which no one can perform.
We have the imitator on this age,he bribe people making them falling into darkness,but he will never be...