

Starting A Creative Story 🤍
Sooo on the days that I haven't been posting poems... I ended up starting to write a story called 'Dark Secrets'. The genre is fantasy/romance/supernatural and I'm actually very excited to start posting it here for anyone who would like to read it 🤍😊 I'll be posting different chapters of it everyday or two and really hope that you all will enjoy it! Any feedback/critic is more than welcome as it would help me become a better writer. I really appreciate all the support and comments and kindness from everyone from being here so far. Will also still be posting the types of poems I do. I just thought diving into more creative story writing would be great for me too as I find a ton of joy in that and want to explore the more creative side.

Thanks so much for reading and very excited to explore making more of this story if you guys enjoy 🤗🌹

© Sierra321