

Space to live chapter 6
You know...I haevnt even been introduced into the story yet.Im an evil.There are like 6 evils left.Well 5.They destroy universes BUT we didnt destroy Little Shu's planet.Oh no a selestial did.An explosian from two lovers.Only one didnt die.Now she wants that ring of our main spaceman.Why?FIND OUT YOURSELF!

Shu stands in a endless room with a black floor and only him and a huge skull almost human disformed in a odd way infront of him.The skull is almost the size of a schoolbus and a half.Shu scared freezes in fear until he hears a womans voice.Old and loud the voice calmly echos in Shu's head
"Find the room of dreams among the ship of your enemy."
Shu scared takes one step back and wakes up hitting his head in the roof of his pod and falls back on his pillow.While rubbing his head with crunched eyes Neytiri laughs.
"Bad dream huh?"She asks
"Y...yeah I'll be fine.Whats the time?"
"About nine.You slept longer than you usually do."
Shu rubs his eyes.
"I made coffee."
Neytiri says handing Shu a cup.
"Thank you."
It takes Shu a while to remember they had kissed on the other ship.He blushes and spits out a bit of coffee.Neytiri blushes and says
"A...about the kiss...on the ship."
"It was just a random thing."
"Yeah totally.Nothing to feel weird about or anything..."
Silence fills the entire room until Nick comes runing by the pods with a pack off chips.He stops and looks at the two with a mouthfull of chips.He hides the pack behind his back.
"How did they in their right minds send you to space?"
Neytiri asks
"Long story short my dad was loaded and umm...Im a good engineer?I dunno and I dont care.My dad died when I went so more or less just to get me away so I couldnt go to the funureal.Dont worry he was my step dad."
Yet again slience fills the room.Shu smiles as he stand up.
"Well lets start today off beter than that.I got you guys this."
Shu gives out two friendship bracelets
"Ive never had real friends...and altough its childish...Ive never had a chance to do this...so please accept."
Neytiri takes one and smiles.Its purple.She puts it in her pocket.Nick takes his.Orange he puts it on immidiatly and gives a wide smile as he sets his hand out and high fives Shu.
Neytiri looks down and smiles.Silent for a bit only to look up as Nick and Shu wait for a high five.
"Fine...lets go."
She high fives the two and Nick says
"Put some energy into it!"
"No...Im good."
She blushes and looks up at Shu smiling.He blushes and smiles nervously laughing.
Some time later Shu up in his suit drinking a cup of coffee sitting in the control room.(The room in the front of the ship behind that the rooms and at the sides the oxagine room and exit room where they exit ship on the left side.)He see's a bunch of small ships surounding a huge ship,remembering his dream he hears the ship alerting an enemy.He flies toward the ship.
"Shu?!"Neytiri yells as the ship alerts more and more.
"Shu what the hell are you doing!"
Shu unresponsave acts emotionless whispering a un hearable chant.Before the smaller ships attack their commanded to stop.Shu stops the ship and Neytiri tries to stop him from leaving.Still not in control he pushes her away and punches Nick.He puts on his suit and floats out in space infront of the huge ship.A woman with a robot arm and eye stands with her arms behind her back waiting.A light emerses from the ship lifting up Shu.He stands in the ship with his head down.Two guards aim guns and are commanded to stand down by the woman.White hair wearing a black suit.
"The evil's been waiting for you."
Shu looks up still not in control.He walks with her down a hallway with one door at the end.He opens the door and goes inside closing it behind him.Threw a earpiece guards ask the woman
"What about the ship maam?"
"If you see movement.Destroy it."
She replies.Meanwhile Nick wakes up.He see's Neytiri sitting on the floor
"Why...Shu..."Neytiri says
"Neytiri...come on."
She looks up with teary eyes and see's Nick with his nose bleeding and his hand out.
"We'll get him back.Lets go!"
He smiles.Neytiri stands up and smiles
"Lets go!"She yells.

She puts on her suit and looks out the window with her helmet in hand.
"Odds are their gonna shoot if we move."Nick states
"What do they want with Shu...and how did they know we where here."Neytiri says
"This universe really sucks."Nick says
The two silently think for a while and after a bit Nick claps his hands really loud
"Shut up Nick Im trying to think."
"First HARSH and second I got a plan..."
The ships beside the huge ships look out to something jumping out of Shu's ship.The immidiatly shoot only to realise it was a barrel filled with oxigane.They shoot another thing again realising its a oxigane barrel.The all start shooting as allot of barrels get thrown out into space.The ship gets destroyed.With all the distraction Nick and Neytiri where in a small escape pod with the GS and a couple of oxigane barrels.Neytiri looks out at the exploading ship
"Goodbye girl..."
She smiles as she looks down at hsr wrist wearing the bracelet.
"So we have to find a way around the huge ship to get inside."
Nick says
Neytiri says as she controls the small pod directly into one of the smaller ships at the back.The ship flies into the giant ship destroying a wall.The pod launches threw and destroys.A see thru energy field stops oxigane from going out and the ship anounces
"WARNING:Ship thurster damages.Collision with nearby moon in 15 minutes."
"Maam their in the ship."
"Dammit...stop them...protect Shu at all costs...he has my ring."
Meanwhile Shu in the room back in control see's nothing around him but hears a voice the same as his dream.
"Shu...we will give you your dreams.Your life can be given again.A new life.Your mother and father.A love of your life.Best friends.You must just help us Shu.Join us."
"N...No."Shu struggles.

Meanwhile Neytiri and Nick get out of their pods when two guards confront them.Neytiri kicks the one guards gun out of his hand and punches the other one in the face dropping his gun and missing his shot he falls.Neytiri picks up a gun and shoots the other guard in the leg.She starts running deeper into the ship and Nick follows behind her with the other guard's gun.They keep runing and Nick out of breath and unfit cant keep up with Neytiri.Neytiri runs ahead and Nick walks into a room nearby filled with controls out of curiosity.Meanwhile Shu struggles in the room as it starts to shift and change.The voice then again talks.
"They named us evils saw us as BAD beings.The power of every reality and power to destroy realitys was ours.We didnt destroy yours.They over ran us and we were forced into hiding by a great hero.An immortal being with Godlike power faught us off with a sword known as the sword of akabane.We were trapped in another dimension.We wish to rise again and save this world from its ignurance.Join us Shu forget your friends and accept our power.Every reality yours all youve killed live on."
The room shifts Shu floats with power then stands above skeletons then stands on a world with flying animals.Over and over it changes.
"Help us destroy and fight.Get revenge on that human.Let the evils corrupt you.Let our power corrupt you.Become a servent of our might.We will let you live and fight on for the rest of you days as a hero."
Shu struggles as the world shifts fast between universes and dimensions all acctually being illusions.Neytiri gets to the gate where she see's the woman with a robot arm standing by with a gun.
"Let him go!"
"Ohh?Friend of Shu I suppose."
"Shut up!I cant lose him so let him go!"
"Youve lost well so have I.I need your little Shu's ring to bring back the evils and I can be with my dear noah."
"Neytiri buy some time!"
Nick says threw an earpiece
"Romance gone wrong?"
Neytiri tries to buy time
"We investigated a huge energy source back on your earth.It grew and grew and for some reason it called us.We didnt know where it was from or what it was.But we both went in.Thought it would be a...an amazing world just for the both of us.Until it blew up.He died I was blown into space threw a blackhole where some peseants saved me.I heard the voice of the evil.She said that if I get a weopon I could destroy some sword thing and bring them back and they would give me back Noah.I get a second chance.This time it wont fail."
She aims her gun when the ship shakes making her hit against a wall and drop it.Neytiri runs forward and shoots the woman.The ship then anounces
"Collision with nearest planet in three minutes.Abbandon ship."
Neytiri tries to open the door but fails then hits on the door and yells
She almost cries and Shu hears her he stops struggling and breaks loose only to say
"Shut the hell up evil.Im not gonna let you take this ring I know what you want it for.I already have my second chance and I will stop you from getting yours."
He opens the door as the evil yells behind him.He falls on Neytiri and she immidiatly hugs him.
"Really nice but we HAVE TO GET OUT RIGHT NOW!"
The two stand up and start running down the hallway.They meet up with Nick as he calls them
"Hey guys!This ship is a way out!"
They follow him into an alien ship.They fly away just in time as the ship crashes into the planet giving a huge explosian.All the smaller ships retreat and the three astronaughts escape with their lives,a GS and a ring thought to be a weopon.
"Shu dont ever do that again bro.Almost thought we lost you there."
The two High five and then Neytiri says
"Found out that ring of yours is a weopon."
"Yeah I gathered.That and some really evil super beings are on their way to murder me for it.For now I just wanna calm down."

"Guys...there aernt any outlets for the GS."
"What did you expect its a high tech millatery ship created by some all powerfull creature.They wouldnt add outlets."
"Hope you acted like that when I went into the huge ship."
"Y...yeah of course."
"Lier and a moron."Neytiri says the two laugh at Nick as he lies with the GS in hands sad.Shu looks at Neytiri's wrist and see's the bracelet.He smiles and starts searching the ship for food supplies and overall curiosity.

Woooww.Big man he said no to the most BORING evil ever.I couldve convinced him.Now yah know what I am at least and what my goal is.Personally I just wanted to kill Shu and take the ring but nooooo let this girl lead him to us and we'll convert him.Oh well he'll die Im sure of it.Check in for next chapter.Pretty sure yah will.Curiosity mustve peaked for you all.

PS:Neytiri is awesome and so are all woman.Upcoming book will show that.Equel right for all 🌹
© salvation writing