

A plesent day at jail.

jhon; Its my blender i ended up here. I wish i wouldn't meet that girl that day. its all my blender

The day

Jhon was redy for the implementation of his new plan that he was working for a while. A house of a middle class man. he was redy to stole the ornaments and other precious item from that house. on that day morning jhon went to the house watched it from the street
he find ab opening which leads to the backyard of that house. At night he prepared for the heist carried everything he wanted for the robbery. when he was about to leave heavy rain began. he waited for the rain to end. jhon thought in his mind something bad gonna happen or is this rain symbol of my luck.

Finally rain stops and he reached the house.he entered house from the backdoor and started collecting items suddenly a women in white dress appears infrond of him.he was shocked. women said shut up or i will call the police. jhon was silent. he pleaded the women to leave him. the women said I will leave you if you do me a favour.there is a locker in the hall. a secret safe. can you open it i forget the password.jhon said sure man i am expert in opening safe. jhon tried his best and opened it. women said now get out of our house. jhon said please dont inform police. women agreed.

The next day police knocked at the door of jhon. he opened the door and police said we are arresting you for robbery. jhon said i didint take anything from that house. jhon was taken to that house for investigation. the owner of that house was very angry. jhon said sir your wife told me to open that locker.the man was shocked. he showed a photo hanging in the wall.jhon look at her she is my wife dead years ago. what are you talking about you meet her yesterday. jhon looked at the photo the same lady in white dress he was shocked!! what is ghost real

The present day at jail

Was it her the mans wife....
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