

It was the time I was sitting on the chair a bit sad and distorted. I sometimes think of my self as a lowly human being . Also some times I continuously repent my self . While writing these lines I even can’t control my emotion as to how I explain my condition or my self . It’s hard to be consistent ,which I want to be . My mind is just a slacking piece of a paper which eventually is going to be apart from a pile of well and neat paper. After suffering through all these years I feel like all of the energy have been drained out of my mind .Maybe my brain have been tainted by the sins I made. PEACE OF MIND
Come to think of it ,I never had a complete peace of mind .I have never been at ease. What’s the point of being alive .Life is not about just having a life ,it’s about living a life .” Purgatory “ yes ,wait…is there a place like this .We are buried when we die and are sent to seven sky's up , depending on our good deed or seven earth’s down considering our sins. So our souls are sent to where they belong .What I am saying that, is it possible for souls to spend more time in this world after leaving from a burdensome body. Ahh, now I get it ,perhaps we are going to get a complete peace of mind ,when we die . Or perhaps life is burdensome for those who are suffering, either mentally, physically or emotionally. Nevertheless, there are positive and negative aspects of life. It depends on one’s choice of how he/she covers his/her worries and complications of life. It can be positive or negative.

© Hyejin