

FAMILY can be a real PAIN in the ass at times, but one must UNDERSTAND that nothing goes for nothing🤷🏼‍♂️

I've had my fair share of family drama but got a better understanding of why this seems to be a norm in today's society🕵️

Anyone that tries to pull you down...lower your vibe is just trying to bring you to their level so they can be equals🤷🏼‍♂️

It might not seem so until you take a stand and truly OBSERVE🕵️

This is a world of BROKEN people seeking HEALING, hence they TRAIN their young with that which they've been dealt with

Anybody that's beaten down by family is cuz a GLOW rests WITHIN them and it rattles the INSECURITIES in anyone that constantly tries to pull them down😱

It's not always their fault, after all you can only give what you have🤷🏼‍♂️

Look WITHIN you and discover the LIGHT that others don't want to see, then ZOOM in on that🕵️

Crying solves nothing rather it breeds PAIN/MALICE/VENGEANCE which can end horribly bad🙆🏼‍♂️

You feel PAIN and left out cuz you are yet to UNDERSTAND that these PROJECTIONS are not your making...they are just MANIFESTATIONS of DEEP INSECURITIES WITHIN the one that PROJECTS them🧘🏼‍♂️

Learn to DIFFERENTIATE your TRUTH from other people's PROJECTIONS🗣️

SIT with those PAINS and RISE from them🧘🏼‍♂️
There's nothing wrong with you, just MISUNDERSTOOD by those that were meant to care for you✌️❤️