

The better sister
15 years ago

"When I get older ima be a doctor 👩🏾‍⚕️ " Kimberly said

"And when I'm older I'll be your lawyer 👩🏾‍💼" Meme said

Kimberly is 13 at the time and Meme is 12 at the time. They grew up in a loving home. Their mother was doing all she could to make ends meet. Debra was a single mother of two, she broke off the engagement with Kim and her meme dad months ago after catching him cheating again.

"Let's go girls, time for school," Debra said yelling from the bottom Of the steps.

The girls headed out the door to see their dad standing with flowers in his hands.

"Good morning Daddy babies," Mark said giving them both kisses on the cheek.

"Go to the car girls," Debra said pissed

"Why are you here Mark?" Debra said

"I can come to see my kids Debra. And I also got these for you" He said handing her the flowers

"Aw these cute" throwing them in the grass

"That's disrespectful," Mark said getting mad

"Disrespectful? Let's not talk about disrespect when you were sleeping with that bitch. Now bye. And get the fuck out of my life. You wanna see them. Text them on the weekend, so yo ass won't show up at my shit unannounced" Debra said brushing passed Mark getting in the car and pulling off.

Debra and Mark have been together on and off for 15 years since high school. Mark would cheat on Debra multiple times and she would accept him back every time. But this was the last straw for him. She would never go back to Mark.


8 years later

Meme went to college to study law and graduated becoming the top-paid lawyer and Kimberly stayed home becoming a nurse and a mom to a 3-year-old. 8 years passed and Kimberly and Meme grew apart. They ain't seen each other in the past 3 years. Debra found her a new man and was happy. They took a trip to the Bahamas for a month.

Ring ring ring

"Hello," Kim said

" I'll be home next week and we are going to have dinner. Is your sister in town?" Debra asked

"Mom we don't talk, you know that," she said

"Well, that's going change when I'm back. I'm going to call her now" Debra said hanging up.

Meme moved to Cali while her mom and sister stayed in Houston.

"Yes Mother," the meme said

"Is that how you pick up the phone meme Brielle Mason?" Debra said

"What is it mother r," meme said already frustrated 😤

"Don't let that side fool you little girl I'll come fuck you up" Debra said

"I'm sorry Mom. What is it? " meme asked

"Dinner next week at home. And I don't want no as an answer. You be your ass there or I'll be my ass at your place" Debra said hanging up

"Omg." 🤦🏾‍♀️ Meme said



Pulling up to her condo. Meme was blessed to be where she at. A lawyer getting paid great money, living in a condo, and single. Nobody couldn't tell her anything

"Home sweet home" meme said to herself

Meme went and showered, wrapped her hair, and got in bed.

Ring ring ring

"Hello," meme said

"What you doing gorgeous?" Liam sad

"Just getting in bed. "

"I'll be back next week. I was thinking dinner?" Liam asked

Liam and Meme have been friends since she moved to Cali. Meme always had a thing for Liam but she ain't wanna push it.

"Rain check. My mother having me go home to have dinner with not only her but my sister too." She said

"That's good. You ain't been home in years meme" Liam said

"Yeah me and my sister don't see eye to eye," she said

"And why is that?" He asked

"Because we went into a huge argument the last time we spoke and it ain't been the same since," she said having a flashback


Flashback 3 years

"So how's working for law going?" Debra asked

"Perfect Mom couldn't be better. I love where I stay, I love being around new people...

"Yeah and I see it changing you," Kim said

"Excuse me?" Meme said

"I said it's changing you. Family first. The only time you show up is when you wanna show off something new of yours or how much you make" Kim said pissed

"Wow, so I'm the problem. I'm sorry you're pregnant by somebody who doesn't even want you." Meme said standing up

"Bitch fuck you. Go back to Cali be bougie like you are. Let's not forget LITTLE SISTER. I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE TODAY" Kim said getting up

"You ain't make me I made myself. Mom, I'm sorry but I'm leaving and probably won't be back here"

"Let's not talk about me doing your test for you figuring yo shit out while I put. Mine's on hold. Oh let's not forget I paid for everything for you meme. So Yeah I made you.... the bougie you" Kim said laughing

Meme got up slapping Kim

"Fuck you," the meme said leaving out

"Bitch you got me......

"Stop you're pregnant sit down," Debra said

Debra walked out of the house seeing Meme getting in.

"Baby girl. I love you, you know that. But you two don't. need to be falling out like this."

"Mom im. done okay. Completely done. I love you too but I'm not here for none of this" meme said pulling off


"Yeah it's just not going work out I might not even go," She said

"Look I'll go with you if you want," he said

"I'll think about it. I have to go ttyl" she said hanging up.

Meme laid down feeling bad for slapping her sister 3 years ago while pregnant she Never even met her niece.

© Myesha O