

### A unique story of friendship ....❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗✌✌🤗🤗🤗
There were two friend who love and care each other regardless of their family status .. One friend named srikant was poor but another one named krish belonged to a rich family ..

They saw each other at their schooling as krish stayed with his grand father's house in a village but after his death krish went to his dad's house placed in a town but not so much far from srikant home ...

Still as said time changes everything , they still have friends and also meet many times .. But srikant doesn't feel that much love and support from krish as compared to before days .. So , he started to live lonely from him ...

But krish didn't have that feeling for him but due to his work , he didn't found so much time to meet him ...
One day krish came to know that there was a fire in srikant's village , Suddenly he got nervous and ran away to there ...

Then he never believed his eyes , srikant's house was completely burn and he didn't see him anywhere ...

Then a voice came out " Please any one help " . Then he went to the fire to save him before think about anything and finally saved srikant ...

But krish was not a condition to say anything because he partly burn and going to faint soon ...

At that moment he laped on srikant and uttered his last few words "Sorry , I am not there when u need me most , Please forgive me " .....

Later he had no sense , a heart broken srikant didn't think so much and took him to hospital quickly .. During his journey to hospital he found Krish's wallet & saw their childhood picture ....

He started to think that how much he wronged about him that he don't care about him ... All their memories came back to his mind one by one ...

After few hours krish was better after treatment and they loved each other more than before ...

When ever they saw the picture of that accident moment , they thought of their faults but not blame each other ......🤗🤗🤗🤗

May be that's a sign of God that when you find any difficulties whether it may be your relationship or your work field , they are not remain permanent if want to solve it with all your efforts from heart ...❤❤❤😘😘😘

#### A true friend will never show their importance to you .. If you value the relationship one day you will definitely feel and realized that ....☝☝✌✌✌🤗🤗🤗

The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. His tired eyes roamed over it one last time before his tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh ...

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