

The Lost Melody
I walked far into the dark in dusty main hall of an old castle. It was said to be haughted and that no ones been in it for year. I curse my friends for forcing me in here, I had only agreed because I was sure to win the bet ... well if they didnt cheat that is. Has I walked farther and farther into the old castle something broke my train of thought. A loud crack could be heard as it echoed through the large room and then darkness. As I regain concesness a sweet melody filled my ears, and as I opened my eyes instead of the old cob web infested room I was in before I was in a beatiful ballroom. I turned my head to see a beatiful couple dancing in the center of the room capturing the eyes of everyone there. They had looked has if they were just married because of the beatiful white dress the lady was dancing in. It was so pretty and I couldn't help but smile. An echoed voice flooded the room capturing my attention, and before I new it I was back in the room I had started in. My friends came rushing in and to my side to see if I was ok, my head was throbing. "What happened" I say with a confused look "The roof calasped and some of it hit you in the head" one of my friends said with a smile happy that I was ok. "Come on lets get you out of here" They said while picking me up, has I was being carried out I couldn't help but remeber the scene I had just witnessed, the only thing going through my head "Why has such a beatiful place been forgotten".

© Julia storymaker