The Dargon king and Spirit (part 8)
Shivering hands as the snake in hands was very cold. Liu Ying couldn't find a place for her to keep the snake in her chamber.
The unconscious snake wakes and finds itself in a bird cage, and stands towards liu Ying with anger face.
Liu Ying apologises that she couldn't help because, she is scared of snakes.
But the truth is that the White snake was Yuchi Long.
Yuchi long after crashing into the flowers, he observes that there were girls coming towards him and he transformed himself into a snake.
Now, when he realises he's in a cage liu Ying has kept him. And...
The unconscious snake wakes and finds itself in a bird cage, and stands towards liu Ying with anger face.
Liu Ying apologises that she couldn't help because, she is scared of snakes.
But the truth is that the White snake was Yuchi Long.
Yuchi long after crashing into the flowers, he observes that there were girls coming towards him and he transformed himself into a snake.
Now, when he realises he's in a cage liu Ying has kept him. And...