

A Sword of Greatness
Once Upon a Time in the China ,there lived a boy whose name was Arne, his father mother died and he was alone, he had his father home and property, he goes to school the everyday, there were Kung Fu classes and story classes,he was the best student in the school, but no one likes him his friend William always help him,his father where the king of the Metavellay kingdom ...
the king also loves Arne,
One day the king filips the father of William came to school and told about the story of a sword.
They said no one was capable to use it the sword was made by the god,who was Impressed by the poor man of metavellay.
the god gives him the place of king and so on the poor man becames the king of metavellay,
then after when the news flow everywhere like air....
then arne asked where is the sword ?..
© Om Puri