

The Falling stone
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face was in a state of dilema. This Asteroid was spotted by some Scotland's scientists. In which they stated that the asteroid has 48 his before reaching the earth surface. After two days, we started hearing report of people saying that they saw a large stone coming down with fire.
Now they remembered the Scotland's scientists that said that an asteroid is coming. so they began to find a way of contacting this scientists.
Now this scientist were figuring out how to overcome this Asteroid. Until they found out that if they could not stop it, they could at least channel it to another path. After a w hile they found out that it was not an asteroid, but an alien ship in which the aliens got lost into our dimensions. The scientist used 6 months to be able to interpret what the aliens what actually saying. The scientists said that the aliens were doing battle in their dimension. All of a sudden they found out that they were no longer in the battle, but they were lost in another dimension. The scientists said that they had find a way to send them back home.
Finally the aliens returned home and the government rewarded then with huge sum of money. And they lived happily and discovered a lot of great things