

Peddanana love you and miss you
Don’t know where you are and how you are
But wherever you are
Your memories are with me forever

I don’t even know if you can hear me
Or see me or feel me
But I sense your blessings being poured on me
Blessings which will always wish my wellbeing forever

I always saw you as a good person by heart
Who used to always help everyone
You only reminded me of a Saint Santa Claus
Who always used to gift me and bless me

I hope if phone networks could have worked between heaven and earth
I would like to hear your voice once and for always
If wifi can work between heaven and earth
I would like to see you and chat with you

Nothing can replace you being by my side
Talking to me and chatting with me
Laughing and smiling with me
But just hope if technology could have connected this and the other world

I have so much to tell you
But do not know how to do it
If telepathic communication is a reality
I would like to communicate the love I have towards you

Just like akaashvani in hindu mythology
If god was to appear in front of me
I would only want to ask god
To bring you back to me

I would like to tell god
That in your absence
Everyone is only sad and crying
And want you to come back

You always treated me like a small girl
Joking and saying funny stuffs about me
Making fun of me, which I always enjoyed
But I will miss those fun moments forever

You always had a lot of hope on me
About me achieving or doing something
And always used to encourage me
And say a lot of good things about me to everyone

You were always the first one to gift me on my birthday
I used to get whatever I asked for
From a bag to a teddy bear
Which used to arrive a week before my birthday

I miss those days when we used to listen
To the songs with the AC on
I also miss all the stuffs which we used to eat
When-ever we used to go out together

I only want those moments back
If there were a time machine
I would like to rewind my life
And relive those moments

I’m really very sorry that I was not there
With you at your last moment
Because of the exams that I could not have avoided
But in real exam of life, you are with me forever
