

Strange necklace part 2
Katie stretched as she opened her eyes couldn't even remember dropping to sleep.

Thinking back to the strange phone call it was scary and strange I got up to clean my teeth in the bathroom and shower. I dressed in black lace bra and panties then wore a black top and Jean shorts after dressing brushed my hair I looked at the bag at the bottom of the bed taking a moment to breath calmly.
Slowly opening the bag and seeing my fathers clothes made me sad but I kept looking through until I found a letter addressed to me my fathers handwriting opening the letter I read;

"Dear Katie just know I love you so much I know once you have seen this letter it means I'm no more and im so sorry.

Please burn this letter after you read all please take note of all this in your mind there is a compartment at the library look for a aisle that says history then proceed to a book entitled "The crossings" open to pag 32 there is a code memorize it please and put the book back.

Head to the pharmacy there is a man behind the counter tell him "The crossings" he will open a door follow him and listen to his instructions.
please babe I will always love you."
The letter ends I quickly burned it in the fireplace and started crying so much "I miss you dad" I cried.

A loud bang came from the front door I gasped as three heavy built guys with glasses on came in and looked right at me "You are coming with us"one guy shouted.
I tried to run but was grabbed from behind and I head butted him he didnt even flinch but hurt myself instead gripping me tightly i screamed and the other placed a cloth over my face and i instantly passed out.
Coming to I opened my eyes I found myself in a back of a van with two guys on either side of me staring I looked down with fear and whisper "please let me go" no answer I kept quiet thinking back to my dad letter I was so upset wished he talked to me more and explained things to me so maybe I could decide whether I wanted this life or not I bit my tongue in anger how could he do this to me I probably die today.

Strange guy pov(he will introduce him self soon )

I kept staring at her has she was biting her lip she was thinking hard about something she had tears in her eyes she looked at me and I looked away thinking.
We stopped at our safe house which looked more like a mansion getting out I walked back to the car and said "Get out now " I shouted.
Making her jump she got out and starred at the building "Follow me please"
She walked fast behind me and I showed her to the room she will be staying in
"This your room" I said.
She walked in and I shut the door and locked it.
Hearing her crying loud I walked away and met the rest of the group in the lounge "So what's the plan?"I inquired.
"Well we leave her to think things through and we start the interrogation tomorrow ." Jude informed me.
"Ok well I need a drink anyone else?
everyone replied "YES"

Katie's pov
My belly grumbled with hunger I got up to walk to the door and knocked and shouted "Please may I eat something please I'm so hungry"
The door unlocked and I gasped as the guy already had a tray "We may act like thugs but we won't let you starve here take this"
I grabbed the tray Oh thank you so much" he pulled the door shut but didnt lock it this time.

Seating on the bed I look on the tray there was a glass of water, lasagna, beans and fresh bread grabbing the bread I moaned as I tasted the freshness. Before i knew it I finished my food it's not tell I ate all I realised they could of poisoned me a bit late for that aw katie my conscious told me.
Getting up holding my tray I headed to the door and opened it hearing people downstairs I walked out heading downstairs i walked in everyone stopped talking as i put the tray down scraped the leftovers in the bin and washed up..
After finished I turned round and the guys were staring at me some looking down with raised eyebrows I looked down and realised I was in a t shirt that just passed by butt. Thinking internally I forgot clothes silly me gasping I tried to pull t shirt didnt work "Sorry and thanks for the food"shocked Katie my face was beetroot right now I ran upstairs in the room shut the door quickly.

"Woah that was a sight for sore eyes damm she looking good " the guys sniggered.
We walked up the stairs and stood outside the door we could hear her talking "My goodness how embarrassing why dont I strip while I'm here come for me daddy seriously they kidnapped me and I'm showing flesh dumb bitch" she whispered.
Sniggering we couldn't stop laughing she was funny in her predicament but joking aside we needed to start this interrogation.
We barged in as she was putting some jogging bottoms on catching her red underwater "Mmmm" we collectively replied.
"Let's go."

She followed us behind leading her to a basement letting her walk in first we told her sit and she sat getting the straps we tied her to the chair she tried to struggle but one look from Fred made her freeze and behave.

Looking around Katie panicked as what she saw on the table was a tool kit but for hospitals laying on the table with a saw that's used to open skulls breathing heavy she was scared she eased abit when the guy who looked at her to stop moving was putting them away.

"Let's begin." a voice boomed.