

A short talk with death
One morning I awoke and felt a chill in my spine, like standing in a cold shower for too long, but I appreciated to my feet. I knew the day had to go perfectly, it was my daughter's wedding. She was considered about me, my health, and such, because of this she moved it up, however, I never knew how hard this day would be for me.
As the day drew on I got dressed in my fancy suit and headed off to the event. But when I opened the door I was greeted by soothing I never thought I would see let alone speak to. He was dressed in a long black robe that seemed to go on forever. His arms covered up by the robe, as was his face.
His face seemed to be shrouded in a fog that I couldn't peer through. When I just stood there gazing into the fog of unlife I felt the air standstill and the breath leave my lungs as it falls on my who this is.
I begin to shake and tremble when he pulls his hood down to review a skull dark as ebony with eyes that were mirrors of my soul. My blood then runs cold as he speaks.
"You have been given another chance, so I will let you ask one question, and depending on how long I take to answer, is how long you will live."
I tremble and start to cry as I think of what to ask. I wrack my brain but I can't think of something death wouldn't know. So, with a brave heart, I simply ask.
Death places his finger on his chin and asks back.
"Why what."
He then puts his hood back on and walks away. Baffled that it worked I then went on, happy that I may live another day.

© Anthony Sanders