

final year (2)
Betty POV
That girl is such a pain in the ass,I said to Junie,I've been trying  my possible best to cheer her up.Don't you think she needs spanking from the of us,she asked (rolling her eyes)with a grin focusing on henry's face who was sitting just in front of us in the cafeteria,taking a closer look at her, one can see she was picking her fingers,she does that whenever she had committed an offences."yea"I think she deserve more than that raising my voice a little so she could hear me,'okay guys'i know am dumb,careless "aannnnnd"Junie and I chorus, okay I get it and a fat bitch"happy?" I deserve whatever punishment of your choice,it won't happen again i promise,she said,"really" won't happen again,Junie added staring at henry with hands akimbo.okay'okay can't promise that but I'll try my best pls(puppy eyes)she begged.you know we can't get mad at you for so long can we? I asked staring at Junie,you're right but this not the end,she said with a "wink" you owe the both of us ticket to a movie this weekend,no excuses she added.I'll think about it Henry said",seriously I wasn't asking you out on a date Henny,so let your expectations be very low,and let me remain you,if it has flipped out of your head that your apology isn't yet accepted,she said with her hand crossed.
She chuckle as she stands up from her sit, heading out of the cafeteria.Am more certain the squeal of excitement sounds behind her causing her chuckle to become a full blown laugh.As much as Henry doesn't wants to the horrible movie with us,she still live to watch movies.It has always helped relieve some of her stress of staying home alone.

I'm in my final year in highschool,my parent wants me to be a doctor,I ain't doing that,it's like a cross between a veterinarian and a regular doctor,how weird is that?I think this kinda stuff is for Junie not me.

"Wake up",Betty,wake up"I heard Junie said while tugging my shoulders."what?,Junie"I asked sleepily turning to the other side of the bed,Elizabeth Owens"wake up",Henry promised us a movie and its already past ten",she yelled,still tugging on my arm.Huhhh!why do I have to live like this?I sighed in my head as I tried to flutter my eyes open .wake up"Betty,thud,my eyes immediately fluttered open,did Jun just pounce on me?ouch! I whined in pain while Junie giggled.

Junie, I snapped up making her run out of the room.urggghh!!,I sighed as my as my head came in contact with the headboard.Betty,Junie yelled poking her head into the room with furrowed eyebrows making me jump out of the bed.I'm up,I said running into the bathroom not forgetting to slam the door behind me.After showering,I throw on a pair of ripped jeans,a pink tank top,a leather jacket,and black knee high leather boots.

Walking downstairs with freshly straightened hair,I found Junie lounging on the couch talking with my parent,taking a closer look at Junie,wao!!was all I could say,the girl in front of me didnt seem like her usual self,shy,nerdy ,but outgoing and fearlless.wraping my arms around her, a smile gracing on her face.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Don't fail to point out mistakes

I love you all💕💕💕