

Embers Dawn Along The Ashen Path 1:3
Embers Dawn Along the Ashen Path
Chapter 1 Section 3: Heat & Shadows
------ Story from the vault ------

How did we get here,
The second batch of arrows pierced the earth and screams of desperation conquered the silence. The strangest thing is if you tried to focus, to block out the noise, demonic whispers echoed like an enchantment guiding the arrows. Wherever I turned my head to confirm my suspicion, it seemed wherever a scream ended the whispers would disappear and transfer to its next victim, just to fill their bellies with souls that felt hopeful believing escape was possible. For a brief moment I believe paranoia gave birth to their forms. Shadows amongst men. Where there is blood their laughter appears like a taunt, haunting men who believe they could be gods. “we’ve come to collect dead men” written on their faces as they take life. War is the devil’s game and we’ve played it well.

Getting a hold of myself
the sounds become louder like they’ve found me. An arrow flies passed my head as a reminder that those who believe escape is possible is foolish. Hobbling on with a weird sense of being next numbness came over me. Legs lost feeling and fingers too, weakness has become an identity, at this moment I aggressively stumbled falling slowly as if time wanted me to notice this sudden weight on my shoulders... anxiety. I fall to the floor and begin crawling, searching for anything to keep me alive, a shield, a ditch, or a hole to crawl in.

Freedom is ahead, yet the smoke that engulfs the light makes my journey longer as I suffocate, Gasping, struggling to breathe. Reaching to pull my body along the ground, unearthing a hand from a comrade amongst the rubble, it had a ring, grief immediately overtook me. Knowing who it was I began to cry reminiscing about a promise we made, to grow old and bicker about the good old days. He had a wife & 2 kids with 1 on the way.

Honest men die young,
what would that make me. If I die am I counted as good , if I live am I the same as the evil we take up arms against. This sight was defeating, I was void of vengeance. I may die tonight, I may lose my life to faceless enemies. And for a brief moment, I realized my brother was beside me before the sky burned red. Did the explosion separate us. His he dead, is he injured. The pain I felt weakened me, until a spotted a medallion similar to our father’s. But was it his or a jewel of another.

© fruitfulodyssey

#Novel #story