

I Can't Let You Leave (dialogue short story)
"You know if I'm annoying you then just tell me. If you dont want me here then I'll leave."
"What are you talking about? You're not annoying"
"Then why are you acting like that?
"Acting like what?"
"Like you're just tolerating me."
"Dude, you're literally fine. Calm down."

"No, I just don't get it. Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it!"

"Seriously? I'm not going to sit here and point out all of your flaws. You're fine"

"Well clearly I'm not. Just tell me them and I'll change it!"

"There's nothing wrong with you!!! God, dude. Your flaws dont make you any less likeableyou don't have to change shit"
"Uh yeah, I do. That's what flaws are. Things to dislike about people, and I don't want you to leave me"

"Alright, you know what? I am not leaving you. Get out of your head! Everybody has flaws! You don't have to be perfect all of the time, so stop trying so hard to be."

"You say you're not leaving! You say that! You say that but I know. Your tone. Your attitude toward me shfits. Youc ahnge. You're pulling away, you're getting tired of me. I've been through this! You say you aren't leaving but you are! And I need to fix it, I can't let you leave!"

"Damnit, stop! Stop doing this to yourself! You shouldn't change yourself for anyone."

"She left me. He left me. They have all elft me; I don't want you to leave too."

"God, not everything is about you! Look, I know what she did to you was fucked up. But you're in a toxic headspace. I love you; but until you love yourself, I can't help you. You're the only person that's attacking you. You need help that I can't provide"

"See? You're walking away."

"There's a difference between leaving and waiting. We can't have a friendship if you can't believe I want to be your friend. Get your head in line. Learn to value yourself more than you value other people. I'll be waiting here when you do."