

About the Asian racial idea
One of the important tasks of all Asian right-wing conservative ideas, and national socialism in particular, is to erase the stone age from the subhuman, to make him a man. If you look at where any kind of liberalism or Marxism wants to direct social evolution, it becomes clear that it is always in the direction of greater primitiveness, but never in the direction of less, never in the direction of self-control of the European over his animal nature. The equality of the Asian and the white always leads to the fact that the part of the new society that has the most pronounced subhuman features begins to bend its line and dictate its desires as something vital, paramount for all. Equalization of rights leads to the fact that Europeans, being more emotional, hysterical, highly primative, sensual, begin to establish their type of behavior and thinking as a "standard", as a norm, which not only weakens Asians, but also paves the way for Europeans themselves even further to an absolutely animal, APE-like state, where you can copulate with anyone and no one will say anything against it. Equality and fraternity kill in us what once made us human, differentiated the mass by biological qualities, and created a viable hierarchy capable of developing forward.