

A broken vow
Joe and Thandi have been friends for so many years. They both were good friends since hight school. Now they were on their minds 30s. They spend most of their spare time together. But there was a mystery in Joe's life. He did not really love Thandi. He actually was planning to pay Lobola to his beloved Marry. Thandi was surprised when she got a leter from Joe telling her about the upcoming event.

Thandi left her home with the leter to Joe's house at the ealier hours of that Monday morning she received a letter. As she arrives, Joe was leaning on the porch holding his cigarette.


"how dare you... " said Thandi with tears flowing down her chicks


" Thandi calm down... I didn't mean to hurt you, you are special to me but..." Joe said with a chilling comforting voice but Thandi interrupted


"you betrayed my feelings, I will never dare forgive you... You are just an idiot..."

She said with a loud voice and that Drew Joe's mothers attention so she kindly invited both of them to the house.

Will she help Thandi? Is she aware of Joe's plans... Join me for the next short episode
© H. Sydwell Mthombeni