

Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions
As someone who struggles with indecision, I can relate to the constant frustration and angst that comes with making choices. Every decision feels like a potentially disastrous decision, one that will alter the course of my life in irreversible ways. The fear of what could go wrong often paralyzes me, leaving me stuck in a cycle of indecision and inaction. Instead of taking the plunge and making a decision, I am prone to overthinking and analyzing every possible outcome, which only serves to fuel my anxiety. Even when presented with straightforward decisions, I find myself stuck in a perpetual state of uncertainty, unable to take concrete steps towards shaping my own future. Having always been indecisive, it often leaves me feeling like a prisoner of my own thoughts and feelings. Every decision feels like it has the potential to alter the course of my life, but instead of embracing this power, I am left filled with apprehension and worry. There have been times when I have spent hours or even days trying to make a seemingly simple decision, running through various scenarios in my head and seeking the advice of others, all to no avail. The fear of making the wrong choice often leads to inaction, which is something I am trying to overcome but finding to be an uphill battle.

#fears #fear #phobias #horror #fearofmakingdecisions
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