

The lost hybrid princess part:28
y/n pov~

sitting on the couches as we were just chilling while talking and chatting...I suddenly started feeling slight pain in my stomach..I ignored it thinking it will be fine but it just kept on raising till I was not even able to sit..

and suddenly...

I changed into my princess form...
again that heavy gown ans all ans we saw....A waist chain attached to my waist but it had a name on it.....


y/n- don't tell me..
jin- what the fu- AM I YOUR ONW OF THE PRINCE?!

he said smiling as I nodded and we both shared a kiss... seeing others jealous as I kissed them too, we all watched a movie then did lunch and just go on our phones while I talked to my sisters and told them everything....and good thing, they are coming back soon...

ending the call as I told boys that my siters are coming back, they looked... sad?

y/n- yah why u sad?
jin- we are not sad...how will we stay with our panda if your sisters will come!!
y/n- ah.. Um...if u don't mind...I can shift in ur house..
all-time JINJAAAA?!
y/n-ah don't shout... yes I can shift..

picking me up suddenly the spinned me too fast as I screamed.. stopping as he looked towards me, I hit his chest..

tae- ow..
y/n- yah! M-my head is hurting!
tae- I can fix it..

kissing my head as he gave me his boxy smile, He again starred spin me.. making me squeal while others started laughing at me..

stopping as he laughed at me, I hold his sleeve while holding my head..

jk- baby is ur head really hurting?
y/n- yes I'm dizzy...

I stand up while holding my head but...

I acted to faint as I was catched by tae..

tae- y/n! babe! y/n! w-wake up!

trying to wake up as he picked me up, He layed me on the bed while all of them started becoming tensed...and I couldn't control myself..I burst out laughing while they all looked dumfounded..

tickiling me together as a punishment as they did it for nearly 10 minutes, they stopped, we shared a kiss as I got to take a nap..