

My Story:part 5- Over Everything
Sub topic: What would I like to become in Future
I would like to become a doctor when I grow up. Since I was a little kid I have always had this passion to cure and treat people especially children. When I was six years old, I witnessed an accident then, I had a burning rage and desire to cure.
For me to achieve this. I have to work hard in my studies. I would like to become a doctor specialized on treating kids which is known as "pediatrician". I would like to become that because I've always loved little kids especially baby boys; but kids generally are my favourite and when I see them get hurt I feel like the scar is on me. Also, I know the pain one goes through when you are injured so I wouldn't want to play around with my patients.
If I become a doctor in future, I won't let it stop right there because I also have other professions in mind. My goal would not be achieved if I work and pray.
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Writer: Agbenro-oteme Praise(Me) 😂😍.
Founder of knit&klin 💕💕💕💕
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