

The Hello Man Chapter 5: Say Hello to DEMO
The Hello Man stood in front of the mansion and vanished into the night. Later he appeared at midnight in the empty mansion in front window on the second floor waiting for visitors to kill.
On 4th of September 2024 a family of 5 moved in the mansion. A few days later everything was ready to move in. That night at 11 o clock at the parent's room there was a whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". That didn't woke them. Then 2 red eyes appeared in the room. All the sudden daggers fell ot of nowhere and stabbed both parents' on their neck. The red eyes vanished with the dead bodies with the blood. A few minutes later at one of the three children's room there was a whispering voice who said, "Hello". Then all the sudden arrows came falling out of the roof and hit the child everywhere you cand think of. The Hello Man appeared in the room. He saw the blood dripping from the bed. He smiled, then vanished with the dead body with blood. At the last room where a child and a baby lived was a whispering voice who wishperd, "Hello". The Hello Man appeared in the room. Just when he wanted to kill the baby, a fire ball hit him on his back. Luckily he was fire immune. The Hello Man turned behind him to see who threw that fire ball and he saw a skeleton, with demon wings, had black clothes on and had 2 scythes in his hands. The skeleton said to The Hello Man that he was a Demon possessed in a dead mortal's body and that his name was DEMO. The Hello Man just looked at DEMO with hate in his eyes. DEMO said that SATAN hired him to kill him. DEMO went and sliced The Hello Man's right arm almost off with one of his scythes. Then he blasted The Hello Man with fire, setting the hole place on fire. Hammers appeared in both of The Hello Man's hands and he ran straight to DEMO and hit him on his skull, then his left leg with the hammers. DEMO fell, but attacked back by cutting The Hello Man's feet with his scythes The Hello Man took the 2 scythes out of DEMO'S hands and threw them in the fire. DEMO stood up from the ground and said that it wasn't over. He vanished. The Hello Man's eyes began to get redder by the second. The mansion immediately stopped burning and began to repair by it self. The Hello Man saw that the baby burned to death. Then he looked out a window and saw the child running away. The Hello Man dropped the hammers, opened the window and then opened his wings and flew into the sky. He grabbed the child and vanished into the darkness with the dead bodies and weapons, leaving no evidence. A few weeks later there moved a family of 3 in the mansion. One night at the child's room there was a whispering voice who said, "Hello". All the sudden a trident was stabbed in the child's throat. In the parents' room there was the same whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". Then all the sudden The Hello Man appeared with a hammer in his right hand a gun in the other. He slammed both parents' heads open and shot them a thousands of times. The Hello Man heard a crack behind him. When he looked behind him DEMO stood there and he punched The Hello Man in the face. The Hello Man went flying and hit through 3 walls before he stopped flying. He stood up to his feet and shot DEMO with the gun while walking towards him. The Hello Man hit DEMO with his hammer in the stomach. A sword who's blade was on fire appeared in DEMO's hand and he used it to cut The Hello Man at several of places. The Hello Man kicked him away and punched him through the face. DEMO then tripped The Hello Man while falling down on the ground. A axe appeared in The Hello Man's hand and he used it to cut of DEMO's left arm. He aslo cut of the left arm with both of DEMO's legs. Then Hello Man said: "Say Hello to Satan for me in Hell Dad!" Suddenly The Hello Man slammed the skull of DEMO in two pieces with the axe, then he cut the rest of the skull clean off the body. All the sudden the ground began to shake. A few seconds later it stopped. The Hello Man vanished into the darkness with a smile.


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