

A different world.
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic
chasing me through the dark night.
I made a turn into the alley way only to find out that it was a dead end. Two men in black suites stepped out. "You need to come with now". I tried to get through them but they were blocking my way. I wish I could go back to a few hours ago.
4 hours ago...
I stormed off not saying another word to my mom. She never let me do anything it was just Briannna's birthday party I don't see what she was worried about. Even the parents were invited as chaparones. I needed to clear my head I needed to get away. So I went to the only place I could go.
The park.
I had a hidden place at the park. It was a garden hidden behind bushes and trees. I went there but I heard talking. Great,just what I needed more people to aggravate me I wanted to be alone not be around more people. That's when I heard someone say my name. So tonight we'll go to Maria's house and take her. My heart stopped. Maria was my name and even if they weren't talking about me. They were still taking about kidnapping someone. Wait Maria Sanchez. Right? Yeah she lives on 145 Quincey Street.
That's me I yelled. Then realizing my mistake I covered my mouth and started running. I heard them get closer so I kept running until I saw a gas station. I stayed there until I lost them. But right when I ran out the store I felt hands grabbing me and covering my mouth. Don't move.
Then a van came around and one of them put me inside it and drove off. I eventually fell asleep but when I woke up it was dark and the van was still moving.
My mom had taught me things about this she was always over protective of me I never knew why though. I studied the kidnappers. One looked strong and the other looked weak like he wasn't prepared to do something like this. One caught me staring and looked like he wanted to jump out the van.
I was the closest to the trunk and it looked like these idiots didn't know how to close a trunk so without them looking I slowly opened it counted to three and jumped out. The van stopped and I got up am ran as fast as I could.
Present time...
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing,warning the incoming traffic,chasing me through the dark night.

End of chapter 1 Bye see ya next week no specific day just next week.WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!!!