

when I stepped out of the bus,i could smell the old fragrance and the tree's had grown taller buh unfortunately everything had changed it wasn't developed at all but undeveloped like I left it 15 year's ago.when I looked at the houses,they were all abolished and the market had fewer people...... suddenly my aunty Priscilla and Catherine quickly ran up to receive me they were happy and the smile's on there face's really showed me how enthusiastic they were.
when we went home,all I could smell and here were memories from 15 year's ago the cries,happiness ,sorrow and deception around my life then when I finally sat down I cried and everyone was watching me.they were all looking at me with happy faces☺️ seeing me after years spread smiles on there face's and joy around them.

15 year's ago I was born from a woman who was born out of 12 when she reached her early 20's she decided to get married to a middle class young man around the same village she lived in suddenly she gave birth to three girls and I'm the fourth one when I was conceived,luck wasn't really on my side, after mom went to live to her husband's house,she had sethu,oris and zoni and I was still a baby.i was growing healthy and strong buh six months later.

six months after I was born that was in 14th November 2002 mother and father were chatting in a house made of grass the she was holding me in her arms it was raining heavily outside they lighted up the fire to warn themselves buh a great disaster happened that time,mom was striked to death by a lightening living me with only six months old... then everything changed I was taken to my grandmother my mother's mom and my sisters were left behind with father .

I got I'll cause the milk I was being fed with was from the cow and was allergic I never wanted it i got thin and I'll then at last they decided to feed me with a porridge called celerac which I liked and I was back to normal ....had very big brown eye's and very bright eye's with a fair dark skin tone..

I grew up Chubby,started talking and walking under the care of grandmother with uncle and his three wives... I was very happy father never came to see me and I never liked him I hated him ...my sister used to carry me on her back when fetching water from the well and finally when I was about three years everyone begun to tease me of how big my eye's were with a very Chubby body😊honestly I was very happy and I liked eating sour which is rotten milk from the cow now was granny's baby😆 .
she could call me lulu and everyone else including me I knew myself as lulu .to me Anita was just my birth name .......I admit I was so naught as a young little girl I painted the blankets with mud after my aunty washed them and could run away they would chase me with a big banana stem wanting to beat me cause of my behaviour. granny loved me like I was her own,she gave me food I wanted and took me to Sabbath school with new outfit,fancy dresses from London from my aunty (mom's elder sister) and niice shoes like a princess.
I lucked nothing, and when the time for me to get enrolled in school,granny took me to the city but I couldn't live without her and I ended up crying for her all the time at my aunt's house I would say it wasn't boring cause I had cousins of my age and younger ones around me but all I wanted was grandmother....
one day I decided to flee from my aunt's place to my mom's sisters place,it was not that far,i got there with the help of our landlord daughter karen
she was young as well buh I could say life took me to were I belong and I don't regret running away cause I couldn't stand staying with my nagging aunty charity...

everyone was looking for me at my home and when I arrived my sister was preparing for school and she told mom mom( mother's elder sister) then mom was disturbed but she decided to take me back to granny and I stayed then later granny took me back to get enrolled in school....I cried alot just missing her but I stayed then year's later I got used because my sisters were as well being kept by my aunty I Can say was happy but on the other way I was so sad I wanted granny to come visit,she would come but when I was at school just bringing me new clothes so that I don't cry when see her,i was only 6 by then.....life was a zigzag buh when schools were closed we were all taken to visit granny I got happy and happy despite facing challenges in school I had known how to write but reading I was slow the problem was that when I go for a holiday I never wanted to come back😂