



“Miss Meyers, when last did you see or speak with your ex-husband?” Detective Leroy questioned.

“It’s been two weeks now since I last heard from him," Elena answered.

“By any chance, did he ever act strangely or tell you anything which could be of help to us?”

“Not really. As a matter of fact, Jayden is a good man, but we had to go our separate ways because of his infidelity. He was meant to see our son two weeks ago, but he didn’t show up.

I had an urgent meeting to attend in New York. I called his number severally, but it went straight to voice mail and neither did he return my calls. Maybe he was busy or just avoiding my calls. I left that morning with my son to New York. We spent three days there. When I arrived in New York, I kept calling him, but Jayden never responded to any of my voice mails.

I got worried. When we came back, I went to his house, but he wasn’t around. But before I could leave his house, I had caught a glimpse of someone.”

“Who was it?”

“I couldn’t see their face.”

“Okay. But could you describe this person in question?”

“I can’t say much because they had a black cap and a black hoodie on.”

“Do you have any idea whom it might be? Does he live with someone? Maybe a cook, maid, or a girlfriend?”

“Yes. Jayden had a maid living with him at his house, but she had to quit because of Jayden’s girlfriend, Michelle Jackson.”

“Have you ever interacted with Miss Jackson under any circumstance?”

“Yes, I have. I met Miss Jackson when I took my son to Jayden’s house because it was his turn to take care of him. I had also seen her in the tabloids as well. She even offered to quit her part time job as a nanny to help Jayden take care of our son. I rejected her offer because she was a stranger.

I don’t care if she was dating my ex-husband, but my child was off-limits to her. I wasn’t going to befriend Michelle. No. I even had to make it clear to Jayden that, his girlfriend shouldn’t cook, speak, or touch our son and he respected that.”

“Do you think Miss Jackson was the only person who came in and left his house anytime she wanted?”

“I wouldn’t say yes because I don’t live with Jayden anymore, but when we were together his friends and colleagues would come over for a drink and watch sports with him.”

“Alright. As at this moment, Mr. Lockwood is on the run. He’s murdered a woman and I’m sure Miss Jackson is next. Another thing, Jayden may come to you, Miss Meyers. He might ask you for help or anything.

Incase he does, kindly inform us because your life could be in danger. We’ve also decided to keep you and your son under a 24-hr surveillance. But be rest assured, we won’t invade in your privacy. We’re only doing this for your protection as well as your son’s.”

“Thank you so much, Detective.”

“You’re welcome.”

The next person to give her statement was Miss Jackson.

“Who is Mr. Lockwood to you, Miss Jackson?”

“He was my best friend and also my ex-boyfriend.”

“Did he ever threaten you in any way when you were together?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Did you two ever have a misunderstanding or fight at any point in your relationship?”

“Never. Jayden was such a great boyfriend, but he cheated on me twice. I forgave him and gave him a chance because I loved him and wanted this to work.”

“Miss Meyers ended her marriage with him because of his infidelity, but you chose to stay with him because you loved him? If I may ask, what did you love most about him: his fame or Jayden as an ordinary man?"

“What’re you trying to say, Detective? I’m not a gold digger!” Michelle seethed. “I’ve lived in an orphanage for 18 years. I’ve worked my ass off to make a living and when I find love with a rich guy, you choose to label me as a gold digger. Miss Meyers left Jayden because she didn’t love him and he didn’t try to fix their marriage either.

Jayden always came back to me because he loved me. If he didn’t want me then why’d he even try to make this work? If I had wanted him for his fame, I wouldn't have broken up with him. He might have tried to get me back by threatening me with our sex videos, but his actions proved to me that he wanted us to be together. He cared about me. He cherished our relationship, so don’t fucking try to call me a gold digger, Detective!”

“My apologies, Miss Jackson.”

Michelle exhaled and said, “Sure.”

“You just said, Mr. Lockwood threatened you with your sex videos, when did this take place?”

“Two months after our breakup.”

“By any chance, has he contacted you after what happened that night?”

“No, he hasn’t.”

“That will be all, Miss Jackson.

Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Detective.”
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