

to be loved
I am a woman of passion. Easy to love and trust other. Even if someone hurting me so bad and deeply. I was able to forgive and go on. I may not thinking bad to others because for me in my heart i can not do things that harm for others. But sad feelings they are not like you, . Because other people dont mind, dont mind if they hurting other feelings. Dont mind if stole other man. Dont mind if they can broke a family. How sad specially that person you love like a family. Why dont have any conscience? Why they are hiding the real them with being nice to someone but they are rubbish inside. Do i need to just leave it them for Karma or need to fight back for revenge. How this world could not be the same. And it wasn't fair. Even if i just forgive they will always repeated it. Even they say sorry but continually doing things that may broke others heart. Why they dont have heart for others. Why the person you love easily to hurt you? And why some didn't shame what they do. Easily to move on while some is hurting. Praising God in the middlenof the church but deep inside its different. Why they didn't see the real she is. And why this person still standing in front of others but its shameful what she doing.
© gyabao21