

a dairy in dark room
She hesitated to enter the room. The Room was filled with darkness, she held a candle in one hand. Light from candle was barely enough to see the next few steps. Strong winds coming from the open windows in the room was making the visibility even worse.

She took her first step inside the room. Her breathing was heavy, Her heart was racing, still she continued. The diarry must be important to her. She knew its inside the room but where? She had to search.

When she left home that morning, It was a normal day for her. She got ready, went to office and was returning home. She didn't know her day will take a turn and she will have to deal with the most horrifying experience of her life.

When she was returning home, she was abducted, she doesn't remember anything, it happened so fast. and the next thing she remembers is a note that was left with her after she got her consiousnes. she was in a unknown house. A dim candle was lit and was on the table. She tried opening the doors, windows, she screamed hard but to no avail. She went near the candle. A note was kept beside it. It said-

'The Diary in the room at the end of the hall is the only thing that can save you, or You will have a painful death with no food or water inside the building. Choice is yours' - Your well-wishers.

Now she is inside room. Searching for a diary that could possibly save her. As she looked around in a dim candle light, she saw a old diary that was laying in the corner of room. She rushed towards it. The diary looked familiar.

It was her slam book from school. She turned pages, all her classmates had written about how she played pranks with them and scared them at some point. At the end of the diary there was another note which said- 'Now it's our time to Pay back' -- Your well-wishers.