

How i got my dog Bella
Hi my name is Ashley im 34, I wanted to write a blog about how i met my dog bella and how she became my service dog!
Here is our story, currently she is 7 years old, I got Bella when she was 7 1/2 months old. I had prevously had to put down my dog mocha at 17 yrs old, she was my best friend from part of my child hood so u could imagine how depressed i was not having her with me anymore, i stayed at my moms for 2 wks because i wasn't wanting to go to my place cause i knew it was gonna be too empty without mocha...
fast forward to when i was home finally after 2 wks one day i decided to go on facebook, and saw 1 of my friends post of giving Bella away for free, so i instantly measged her and asked why she was giving her away like that? she responded that Bella was going potty inside and was distructive, so i thought do i wanna take that on because shes saying these things so maybe i should reconsider her, but i thought i love training that yes i will take her. She brought her to me that day, as i went down to get her i asked what her name was cause it wasn't bella orgionally she said tinkerbell i laughed to myself and as i opened the door to the side bella was on she jump immeditly into my arms like pls get me out of here, i took tinker part off kept the bell and added a A for bella she responed to it great, we were inside and i thought for sure she was gonna go on my floor after 5 minites she went to the door and asked to go out to my surprise, so i was like she must not of been paying attention and that was why she was going inside... she loved the toys i had for her was not ruiening anything in my place i was like how could she think this of you!! I measged the lady and said how was her home life, she responed as so, she would bring her different homes and be left there a wk at a time then on to the next never having a stable place so i was her first stable home, she had the worst anxiety always thought when i went out my appartment door that i wasn't comming back so she would bark and bark, she was scared of men she would bark at them she did a little at women but more so at men... by these things i was like she hasnt been socialized at all, so i would take baby steps with her and just sit out side and let her see people at a distance at first so she could see they were not gonna hurt her, once i felt she was handling that well we would sit where people got closer to walk by, she barked and i would correct her in a manner that got her focus on me not the people with treats everytime a person went by id give a treat as a see they are ok, eventually then i would ask few people if they wouldn't mind giving her a treat so she saw even more that they are not there to hurt her. gradually with patience she was going closer and closer to people i allowed her too, and eventually she wanted to do it herself it was 1 of her biggest milestones she overcame.
Next step once she was comferable with doing that, i worked on her not barking at dogs as they walked by, i did the same thing everytime a dog walked past id give her a treat before she would want to bark and just keep walking like it was no biggy, this took long time and alot of patience. She also had no leash manners she would pull and pull, so i looked into some things and came across whats called a halti, as soon as it was on it was night and day, she didn't pull, but i wanted her not to pull with that on as well but for now i was working with the halti so i could use walk as a word for her to listen too and got her use to that word and treat, i took halti off and she was like lets pull momma lmao, so i said NO walk, and she stoped and slowed down to a better pace, i felt so proud of her... Next step i needed to work on her anxiety when i left the appartment, cause she would bark and howel, so i would step out and sit, and as she would start i would open door and say no quiet and give treat, close the door and do it over and over and over it felt till she relized i was always gonna come back, that was another big milestone for her as well, she stoped her barking and howeling, so proud...
if you all like this and want me to contiue the story comment