

The assassin
It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining the birds chirping. that is what Edgar Ainsley awoke to every day he had everything he wanted except love. he was the picture of health. which in 1734 was pretty fat.
he controlled part of the navy and had connections to the royals and had a LOT of enemy's but also very powerful friends. one morning he awoke to a fry-up. a full Brittan breakfast. he went to drink his tea when he notices it. a small almost imperceptible film over the top of his tea. he sees it. And says who made this tea. his servant says the chef. enraged he runs into the kitchen and demands the chef. where is the chef! yes sir the chef says frightened. you bas- sir the servant interrupts him. sorry Edgar says the chef is terrified what is wrong sir the chef says timidly you put poison in my tea! Edgar yells as their talking the servant silently slips away to inform his employer. Edgar isn't as stupid as we thought. we'll have to come up with a new plan to deal with him. The next day Edgar realizes that the chef is innocent. now understand Edgar isn't as bad of a guy as he sounds... ok that's not true he's actually the worst. but he's extremely rich so he has "friends" one of whom is the chief of police he realizes that the servant has disappeared and has begun hunting him.

part two coming soon...

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