

Orange jucie 18+
Chapter 3)

He lead me to this room with huge white and black bed as he force me on the bed. He slam the door and lock it.

"What do you want from me?!"

"What do you think?"

"You idoit!"

He laugh while coming closer to me as I kept backing up untill I was at the end of the bed. I felt his hands go up my thighs and drag me back to him. I blushes hard as his hands with up.


He then kiss me and kept the kiss for a while untill I couden't breath and that's when he move down and bite my neck. I felt the blood being draw from me as I kept hearing him say.

"Your the one now don't move"

The more he bit down the more I move untill he grabs my arms and pinded me down and with back to kissing me.

He stoped the kiss and got up.

"Your a pervert"

"Oh I'm a pervert? I can't tell if you enjoyed"

I put my hand over the bite and blushed.

"Aye! Don't touch it or you'll infeted it you idoit"


He kissed me agian and walk off as I heard his sister laughing. I look around to see if I could find her but she was no where to be seen.

I ended up falling asleep after a while I woke up from hearing a scream, I got up and walk out of the door and listen to the loud scream as it lead down the hall way I was told not to go down.

"What are you doing?"

© Celinasuga