

Ray Of The Rising Sun
Story of being lighted : part (3)

Today shana is between tears and joy.
She lost a valuable thing from her body. One of her eyes is blind in a terrible road accident as such as it was informed by her soul in a spiritual dream.

Oh! One half of her world is in darkness. But she got an invaluable and most important thing of the universe.

What's that ?
That's the ray of faith, which lighted her inner part and removed the darkness of atheism.

Now She can realize the existence of an invisible world behind this outer pattern of the universe. A few days ago she saw her soul as a portrait of herself who gave her sad information about her destiny which occurred appropriately through losing one of her eyes.

How is it possible ?
what's the role of human Brain in such kind of information ?

undoubtedly there is anything or anyone behind this screen of visibility who is informing us about our future through this kind of dreams. Not only Shana but there's a lot of people who are being informed in this way.

So Shana is confirmed about the existence of the lord of her life. But who's he?
Allah? God? or something else ?
Has he sent any religion ? Any code of life or not. If he did what's that? Islam ?
Christianity? Buddhism? What's that ?
Theis kinds of questions are making her mind wild.

© Akbar husen2