

He came, Just for me
Every love story has different start and a different end. But my love I don't know when it started, because I got attracted of him when he entered our high school as my senior. I loved the way he introverted himself from everyone, but even after doing so his cousins who were around him trying to make him talk. Our school is quite familiar around the city and so rich kids, middle class and who don't have money uses entrance exams as their only chance to enter our school. The campus is royal and I walked around after finishing my exams and he was in his senior secondary. I kept on wandering around him to notice me but he didn't. But there were some event which made him look at me and all these years the only words he told to me is "Thank you" and then again "Thank you". And those words came just came out because of the luck I had, that was a rainy day and it rained suddenly in the evening and out of luck i came with an umbrella he didn't and I know he will fall ill easily so I gave it to him and he said "Thank you" with just looking at my eyes for a second and during the same time his second cousin asked me "Why don't you give me a umbrella too??" and I said "But I don't have one" I said that ran away without waiting for his cousins reaction and then the second day was he was too ill and when I entered his class to meet his class teacher, his class teacher asked me to buy him some medicine from the office and when I gave him he said "Thank you " thats all.
But I don't know why had I ever fall for him. "Naina Naina Naina" I heard a voice calling out my name loud when I was in the playground thinking of him. It was Dee my best friend and she after grabbing my attention said "Don't you know your Prince charmings final exams are here and you are here thinking of something" and that stabbed me directly in my heart " Oh right, he has his exams should I encourage him" I said . "And should I slap you with my sneakers" she said and I don't know whether to laugh or get scared because none of her dialogues makes me scared, because she is such a cutie. "Sorry then what should I tell him" I asked confused, "Go and tell him what you feel" she said and it was absolutely right cause it been 6 years of me having love on him. I don't know what the result will be whether he loves me or not. But for gods sake I should try, the month ran by and it was his final exam and I got myself ready to express my feeling about towards himself. I waited till 3 everyone came around but he didn't come but Dee came to me saying "His father died and so he went directly to his house after finishing exams" I don't know what to do because its my last chance and the last chance was not a success to me.
Year passed I finished my school entered a respectable university finished my designing course and Dee ofcourse followed me not because its her dream its because she wanted to follow me. We entered a good job with the help of Dee's father a buisness man who knows many people. "The day is too boring right" she stretched herself from her wheel chair and I said "Yeah kinda" . Suddenly she came to me and whispered near my ear "Its been 8 years and do you still remember him" she asked and that created goosebumps all over my body " Do you think I can forget him" I said and she tapped me on my shoulder and said "Lets hope for you two to meet again". I sighed and said "Its 8 years, I don't think he might remember my face, It would be gods grace if he atleast remember my face" thinks never stay same and I don't think after becoming the heir of his fathers buisness, he won't remember me. "Fine, don't blabber lets go" I said and the night ran out with the good memories I had when I loved him but it was lonely at the same time.
It was 8 in the morning already I am late for work and after going to work Dee popped her phone in front of me saying "Look we have a get together with our school friends, they invited three batch of students and it was arranged by Your Prince charmings cousins" she said without breathing. "Don't get too excited, I am not coming" I said and she gave me hard slap on my arms and said "And I will lay my foot on your face, you are coming and don't forget its on This weeks END. if you don't come I will END your life". That girl is completely scary but I don't want like going there.
It was the end of the week I got ready and Dee too. We went there and it was really pretty, as I entered many thoughts and memories came into my mind. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned I faced his cousins and himself. I don't know how to react and I was so shocked to see him , I stood as a statue and his second cousin talked to me "Wow Naina look the way our junior look" he said and I asked " What am I that ugly???" I asked and he shook his head in disagreement, as I stood there I got more of his memories so I went from there and moved to the playground we once played joyfully and on the other hand I am sad because he dont seem like he remembers me.
I was sorrounded by all my memories, everything just brought tears in my eyes. Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone's voice. I felt like it was a dream, it was his voice, Is it him sudden questions came into my mind and when I turned back I saw him with completely new manly face saying "Naina" he said and I asked him in shock "Did you just call me??" and he said while chuckling "Is there someone with this name" and I said "No....but.." with that he made me stop my words by pulling me into a hug which I didn't expect and after that I was thoughtless, breathless and senseless. But everything came back when I heard those words from him " I love you NAINA, this everything was arranged by me just to meet you. I loved you from the day you started to love me, the last day of school I know you wanted to meet me, but I didn't want you to step away from your dream because of me so i lied and went without meeting. Everything you done for me i saw it, you were there for me no matter what and now I am successfull because of your face..." I didn't let him end the sentence and hugged him back until we got distrubed by a vaoice " So using my death worked right" it was his father whom he used as an excuse to leave me without meeting me.
Everyone one of them who came to the gathering knows about he loved me except me. Was I such a fool??? everyone left us alone to have our time in the playground and I laid on his shoulder.
I asked him "Did YOU CAME HERE FOR ME"
He said "Yes , ONLY TO MEET YOU " .
© jerry